Check Out Lovey-Dovey Video Of Actress Linda Ejiofor Bumping Into Her Husband In Traffic

Check Out Lovey-Dovey Video Of Actress Linda Ejiofor Bumping Into Her Husband In Traffic

Tinsel Actress, Linda Ejiofor has taken to her official social media handle to share beautiful moments with her husband and colleague, Ibrahim Suleiman.
In the video the thespian she shared on Instagram, Linda was seen hailing her husband after bumping into him in traffic.
“In her post, she said,
“Look who I ran into in traffic. Wish I caught his early reactions on camera. But I was checking him out instead. Ibrahim Suleiman was shocked.
He saw a cute girl sticking her head out of a car window and grinning at him”.
Their lovey-dovey video sparked reactions online as fans and celebrities in the entertainment industry dropped heartwarming comments and emoji’s.

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