In a series of thrilling announcements, Disney has unveiled a sequel to the popular animated movie ‘Moana’, alongside a massive investment in theme park expansions, and the return of the FULL Magic Happens Parade to Disneyland in 2024. The announcements reflect Disney’s ongoing commitment to innovation and the delivery of exceptional entertainment experiences to its global audience.
Moana Returns – A Sequel in the Horizon
Disney has surprised fans worldwide by announcing the release of a sequel to the 2016 hit animated movie ‘Moana’. The sequel, intriguingly titled ‘Moana 2’, is scheduled to hit theatres on November 27, 2024. The film will take audiences on an expansive new adventure with the beloved characters Moana, Maui, and an exciting new crew of unlikely seafarers.
The Moana sequel is directed by Dave Derrick Jr, with a rich musical score by Abigail Barlow, Emily Bear, Opetaia Foa’i, and Mark Mancina. The original film was a box office triumph, grossing over $680 million and clocking 1 billion hours streamed on Disney+ last year.
Disney’s Massive Theme Park Expansion
Alongside the exciting news of ‘Moana 2′, Disney divulged plans to significantly bolster its theme parks’ offerings. A whopping 70 percent of a $60 billion budget will be allocated towards expanding the parks, indicating a firm commitment to enhancing the visitor experience and making it more immersive and magical.
Return of the Full Magic Happens Parade
The FULL Magic Happens Parade is poised to make a triumphant return to Disneyland in 2024. Guests can look forward to the spectacle and excitement that make this parade a signature Disney attraction. Also, updates about EPCOT, the Walt Disney World Resort Hotels, and new merchandise were shared, promising more magic and wonder for Disney’s ardent fans.
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