September is internationally recognized as Blood-Cancer Awareness Month.
Many activities are organized to inform the public about the many forms of the disease and the available therapies.
This year, Blood Cancer UK is asking people to use the hashtag #SayBloodCancer to help bring attention to the disease.
A definition of blood cancer.
Cancer that begins in the blood cells is known as cancer of the blood. Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS), myeloma, lymphoma, and leukemia are the four main subtypes of blood malignancy.
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), which can affect persons of any age but is more common in children, is the deadliest form of these diseases despite the availability of effective treatments. Overproduction of white blood cells in the bone marrow is what causes this type of cancer.
Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and, in extreme situations, stem cell transplants are the standard methods of treatment. But there is no treatment available right now.
However, early detection is key since cancer is easier to treat the earlier it is caught.
I need to know the telltale symptoms of leukemia.
A visit to the Mayo Clinic will reveal “vague and not specific” symptoms that could be flu-like. Blood testing are another method of diagnosis.
Blood cancer often manifests with the following symptoms:
Temperature swings
weakness, and chronic weariness
Infections that come on strong or often
Effortless weight loss
Tissue enlargement (lymph nodes, liver, spleen)
Bruising or bleeding easily, even from the nose
Petechiae are little red bumps on the skin.
Nighttime sweating that won’t stop Pain or discomfort in the bones
In what ways might leukemia be prevented?
The Mayo Clinic notes that factors such as smoking and a family history of cancer, as well as prior cancer therapies and genetic diseases like Down’s syndrome, may increase the likelihood of developing this malignancy.
Some forms of leukemia have been related to exposure to particular chemicals, such as benzene, which is found in gasoline and chemical factories.