Anti-ULEZ ‘Blade Runners’ Pledge to Disable 80% of ULEZ Cameras in London

Blade Runners’ Anti-ULEZ Campaign Gains Momentum

In a bold move against the Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) charges in London, a group of activists known as the ‘Blade Runners’ have announced their determination to disable 80% of the ULEZ cameras in the city within the next four weeks.

Their mission is to challenge Sadiq Khan’s controversial ULEZ scheme, which has been a subject of debate and discontent among London residents.

Targeting ULEZ Cameras

The ‘Blade Runners’ are specifically focusing on the ULEZ cameras, which employ automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) technology to enforce the ULEZ charges.

These activists are vehemently opposed to the ULEZ initiative and have already vandalized hundreds of these cameras, prompting the London Mayor to deploy additional resources to catch those flouting the regulations.

Aiming to Bring ULEZ ‘to Its Knees’

The group’s goal is nothing short of bringing the expanded ULEZ scheme ‘to its knees.’ They have outlined a series of ‘exciting plans’ to further their cause and have made it clear that they will not cease their actions until the ULEZ scheme is scrapped entirely.

Their initial target is to disable 80% of the ULEZ cameras within the next month, a significant challenge given that there are approximately 1,775 such cameras throughout London.

Growing Resistance in the Capital

The ‘Blade Runners’ estimate that there are around 250 active members across the capital, all dedicated to this cause.

Their actions have been fueled by the implementation of the £12.50-a-day ULEZ charge, which now applies to non-compliant vehicles in all London boroughs.

This charge has stirred outrage, with Susan Hall, Mr. Khan’s Tory mayoral election rival, promising to eliminate it if she is elected.

Unofficial and Motivated

It’s important to note that the ‘Blade Runners’ are not an official organization or society but rather individuals from various communities in London.

They are motivated by the impact of ULEZ charges on their daily lives, making it difficult to make ends meet, pay rent, energy bills, and provide for their families.

They are also frustrated by the lack of public consultation regarding the ULEZ scheme.

Mobilizing for Action

The activists have mobilized across London, taking steps to block mobile camera vans with signs as part of their protest.

This civil resistance has taken place in areas of south-east and north London, where they aim to disrupt the enforcement of ULEZ charges.

The ‘Blade Runners’ are determined to use people power to challenge what they perceive as an unfair policy imposed by the government.

Seeking a Response

Transport for London (TfL) has been approached for comment regarding the actions of the ‘Blade Runners’ and the challenges posed by their campaign.

The ongoing battle between these activists and ULEZ enforcement measures continues to be a significant point of contention in the city.

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