Beginners Guide to Optimize a Windows Shared Hosting India

Windows shared hosting is the most cost-effective and straightforward web hosting solution in India one can have. It enables website owners to host their websites with utmost ease and great efficiency. Further, the Windows operating system lets you acquire a user-friendly interface, quick updates, and high-level security. With Windows-shared hosting in India, you get the opportunity to invest your time in advancing your website while your web host takes responsibility for managing, securing, and administering your web hosting server.

However, in order to continue hosting your website effectively on a web server and make the soundest utilization of your web hosting platform, you are needed to optimize it. And, there are lots of companies that deliver access to optimize the server with Windows Shared Hosting Plans in India for your websites. Thus, through this guide, we have provided insights into how you can readily optimize your Windows shared hosting plans in India and who deliver the best package. You can jump into the segments below and grab all the vital highlights. 

Steps to Optimize Windows Shared Hosting India

Below-mentioned listed are the steps you must consider executing for optimizing your Windows shared hosting India. Let’s acquire a quick glimpse at them! 

1. Enable Caching

Under Windows shared hosting plans in India, you get access to limited web resources for hosting your website. One of the effective ways to diminish the requirement for web resources is you must enable caching. Because, during the increase in traffic, your website lacks resources which can affect the overall performance.

This helps the browser locally store the typical data of your website. So, whenever a visitor tries to access your website, your browser loads up the saved information automatically, and your web hosting server is just required to deliver the remaining content. 

2. Make Sure Your System Logs Are Not too Large

There are numerous websites that possess pre-enabled logging tools used to scrutinize the behavior of the visitor. This comes by default. The tools are employed to track the staying time of website visitors, the most visited web pages, etc. Such factors are highly valuable as they give profitable insights. But, over time, such files can evolve as really big. 

Moreover, if your disk space is less under the India Windows shared web hosting, it can be highly problematic for your website. To deal with this, you can either eliminate the old log files or download & store them on an offline hard disk in order to free up some useful space on your web hosting server. 

3. Enable Expired Headers

For making caching even more efficacious, you must enable expires headers. This is because the cached data gets deleted from time to time. So, after a while, your website again can slow down if the browser has eliminated the cache data and your web hosting server is needed to send the requested data all over again. 

On the other hand, when you enable expired headers under your Windows shared hosting India, you can let your web server instruct the web browser to employ the local data instead of server data. Further, for this, you can also set a time period. 

4. Use Google Page Speed

Google page speed serves as an online tool that is free to employ. It is basically developed by Google for assisting your website when it comes to executing optimization strategies. You can use this tool by just entering the URL of your website. then, the tool informs you about the speed rate of your website, how good or bad it is, and how you can intensify it. Moreover, you can make use of this tool as many times as you want or require without even paying a single penny.    

5. Less is More

You must remember that with the cheap Windows shared hosting plans in India the less is always more. This is true for all websites, especially those that are being hosted on the shared server hosting platform. Less is more fundamentally implies that uncomplicated designs, a primary layout, and few multimedia on your website invariably operate better than a media-heavy website that is crowded with all styles of videos, photos, and animations. The reason behind this is that the more straightforward websites contain fewer data which helps in assuring the fastest possible speed. On the other side, weighty and chaotic websites are highly time taking to load. 


The best Windows shared hosting India is an ideal choice for hosting your website if you are seeking a simple, secure, and cheapest web hosting solution. It comes with a human-friendly & concise graphical user interface as well as an effective control panel. With the Windows shared hosting plans in India, you get enough customizability, Microsoft assistant manuals, regular updates, and robust security for your website hosting.

Moreover, you must ensure to execute the steps discussed in this guide in order to fully optimize your web hosting server for seamless website functioning and speed. At the same time, you must seek a top-notch web host such as Hostbillo Web Hosting Company to buy the most suitable plan. The company offers cutting-edge facilities, resilient technologies, and enterprise-grade hardware support with all the web hosting plans. It also lets you access the following excellent hosting features with the Windows shared hosting plans –

  • 24/7/365 Customer assistance via proficient professionals 
  • 99.90% Uptime assurance
  • Highest connectivity 
  • High-level security measures
  • Top-grade equipment and much more. 

Visit right away the official & informative site of Hostbillo to know more about the leading best Windows shared hosting plans in India.

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