“Beckham” Documentary: A Deep Dive into David Beckham’s Life and Career

“Beckham” Documentary: A Deep Dive into David Beckham’s Life and Career

“Beckham” Documentary: A Deep Dive into David Beckham’s Life and Career

David Beckham, a name synonymous with football, fashion, philanthropy, and more, takes on a new role as a beekeeper in Netflix’s latest four-part documentary, “Beckham.”

Released today, this documentary offers viewers a unique glimpse into the multi-faceted life of the former England captain.

The Beekeeper Beginnings

The documentary kicks off with a rather unexpected scene, as David Beckham is seen donning full beekeeper attire while harvesting honey from hives at his Cotswolds home.

Directed by Fisher Stevens, an Academy Award-winning documentary maker and actor, the series aims to provide an intimate and comprehensive portrayal of Beckham’s life.

From Humble Beginnings to Superstardom

The first episode of “Beckham” delves into Beckham’s early life, growing up as the son of an East End gas engineer and hairdresser.

It traces his remarkable journey from these humble beginnings to becoming a football superstar with Manchester United and England.

Covering Ground and Personal Life

The documentary covers various aspects of Beckham’s life, including his football-centric childhood, meteoric rise to fame, and his budding relationship with Victoria Beckham.

The first episode even takes viewers back to his lowest moment on the world stage—his infamous sending off against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup.

David Beckham: The Enigmatic Figure

Throughout his career, David Beckham has been known for his silence in interviews, leaving many curious about his true self.

However, “Beckham” attempts to shed light on his persona, with Fisher Stevens doing a commendable job in extracting new insights from the former footballer.

Balancing Truth and Image

Despite the revelations, there remains a sense that Beckham chooses his words carefully to align with his desired image.

Some moments, like his connection to Manchester’s Nineties nightclub scene, leave room for interpretation, reflecting his meticulous image curation.

The Kick that Launched Stardom

The first episode, aptly titled “The Kick,” delves into Beckham’s iconic goal from the halfway line against Wimbledon in 1996, a moment that catapulted him to stardom.

It provides detailed insights into his early career and his enduring relationship with Victoria.

Insightful Perspectives

The documentary includes interviews with Beckham’s former Manchester United teammates, offering contrasting perspectives. While players like Gary and Phil Neville focused on financial stability, Beckham indulged in luxury items.

Roy Keane expresses amazement at Beckham’s extravagant purchases, and Eric Cantona adds a sage touch to the narrative.

The Journey Continues

As the series progresses, it explores Beckham’s struggles, including his self-doubt after the 1998 World Cup, his strained relationship with Sir Alex Ferguson, and his move to Real Madrid. It also delves into the later stages of his career and post-retirement life.

A Nostalgic Trip

The first episode of “Beckham” provides a nostalgic trip for viewers of a certain age, offering a vivid reminder of Beckham’s once-cutting-edge style and persona, including memorable fashion choices like the sarong.

From Football to Beekeeping

Finally, the documentary introduces viewers to Beckham’s new passion: beekeeping. He even has plans to name his honey “Golden Bees,” although Victoria prefers “DB’s Sticky Stuff.”

The light-hearted exchange adds a touch of humor to the documentary.


“Beckham” on Netflix promises an intriguing journey through the life and career of David Beckham.

While it may not radically redefine our perception of the football legend, it offers an engaging and nostalgic look at one of the world’s most iconic sports figures.

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