BBMzansi – Housemates’ reactions to the first eviction

During the first series of Diary Sessions that followed the double Eviction, the Housemates were all slightly shellshocked after witnessing both Mvelo and Dinkybliss walk out the door. “Last night’s Eviction was quite a shocker,” Nale told Big Brother. “Dinky was a big personality in the House. It made me realise that people [the viewers] want whatever they want.”
“It wasn’t nice,” Vyno said about his first Sunday. “Dinky was trying to open up to me.  She was nice to me throughout. It was a sad moment.” Thato said,  “I was shocked at Dinky leaving. I keep saying to myself, ‘remember, it’s a game. You could leave at any time’.”
“Just seeing Mvelo’s reaction,” remembered Acacia. “You could tell he wanted to cry. I think it shook us up a bit. People just need to up their game.” Themba also spoke about Mvelo’s reaction. “He couldn’t even speak. That was very touching. I also feel bad for Dinky. The fact that I Nominated her also made me feel bad, but I did it for the good of the game.”
“It’s just a bit of a reality hit. That was just a wake-up call,” was Zino’s take on the matter. It appears that the first two weeks in the House somehow convinced the Housemates that they can predict what’s going to happen, and they’ve realised that all bets are off. “From my perspective, people are really going to start taking the game seriously,” opined Nale.
Part of taking the game seriously is competing in the Head of House Games. The title comes with immunity, so it’s not just an empty position. That said, Nale didn’t sound too keen on winning it. “I think I operate better behind the scenes. I think becoming Head of House would be a tricky one.” Thato agreed, “Being Head of House is a clear way to have a target on your back. It’s quite a difficult role.”
While she’s somewhat ambivalent about holding the position herself, Nale’s very clear about who she does not want to have in that position. “I definitely wouldn’t want Mpho as Head of House.” This followed a discussion she had had with Mphowabadimo about tension between them, but the peace-love-and-muesli conclusion to that chat clearly did not extend into the Diary Room.
On the subject of tonight’s HoH Games, Vyno promised that he was “going to give it 100%. This week, I need to show that I can be a leader.” Zino said, “People are gunning for this. It’s the only way to make sure that you’re safe. Everyone is going to be more competitive.”
“I really want to be Head of House,” said Themba. “There is a target on my chest – and I know that for a fact.“ Clearly, the immunity that comes with the title is the most important thing for him, right now; which is understandable, since he was one of only two people who Nominated, last week.
There are still more Diary Sessions to come, but we think we can predict what many of them will contain: shock at the Double Eviction, desire to win Head of House and a realisation that the game – as Mr Holmes would say – is on!

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