Thousands Speak Up: Public Sentiment on Antitrust Enforcement

Thousands Speak Up: Public Sentiment on Antitrust Enforcement

Title: Antitrust Policy Evolution: From 2009 to Today

Subtitle: A Reflection on the Changing Landscape of Antitrust Enforcement


  • Good morning and thank you for that kind introduction.
  • The journey from 2009 to 2023 in antitrust policy.
  • The 2010 Horizontal Merger Guidelines: A turning point.

Section 1: The Antitrust Landscape in 2009

  • A look back at the antitrust scene in 2009.
  • Lack of public interest in antitrust enforcement.
  • Declining agency staffing levels.

Section 2: The Changing Face of Antitrust

  • Growing concerns about competition in key sectors.
  • Academic studies revealing the impact of mergers on the public.
  • The widening scope of antitrust, including labor markets.

Section 3: The Power of Public Awareness

  • The shift in public awareness regarding consolidation.
  • Over 5,000 public responses to the initial call for comments.
  • The overwhelming call for vigorous merger enforcement.

Section 4: Real Voices, Real Concerns

  • Impact on writers, nurses, and healthcare workers.
  • Testimonials from affected professionals.
  • The importance of competitive wages and terms.

Section 5: The Justice Department’s Response

  • Acknowledging the concerns of the public.
  • A commitment to reviewing all comments.
  • Balancing law enforcement with the law.

Section 6: The Role of Merger Guidelines

  • Understanding the role of merger guidelines.
  • Transparency and predictability in merger review.
  • Guiding investigations and public engagement.

Section 7: Looking Ahead: Goals and Commitments

  • Finalizing the guidelines with transparency and predictability in mind.
  • The three core principles in merger analysis.
  • Embracing different tools for different situations.


  • A reflection on the evolution of antitrust policy.
  • The commitment to promoting competition in the American economy.
  • The importance of protecting consumers and workers.

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