Apply now: NRW-Africa Economic and Innovation Partnership seeks Nigerian start-ups

Introduction to AHK Nigeria’s International Exchange Program

The Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria (AHK Nigeria) is thrilled to present an exciting international exchange program.

This unique opportunity aims to open doors for participants to expand their horizons, immerse themselves in diverse cultures, and gain valuable experiences that will significantly impact both their personal and professional lives.

Program Details and Application Deadline

The application deadline for our program in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is January 19th, 2024.

The selected participants will embark on their journey to NRW, Germany, in March 2024.

Target Participants

This program is designed for young professionals, startup founders, representatives from accelerators and incubators, and individuals keen on undertaking an international exchange journey.

The focus is on fostering cross-cultural understanding and gaining a global perspective.

Application Requirements

Applicants are required to submit the following:

  1. Description of their start-up/project/institution (max. 1000 characters) and a pitch deck (or a short presentation for multipliers, explaining why they would be a good fit for the program).
  2. A meaningful letter of motivation.
  3. A comprehensive CV.
  4. Fluent English skills.
  5. Residency in Nigeria.
  6. Demonstrated high degree of initiative and curiosity.

Program Benefits

Selected participants will enjoy the following benefits:

  • A scholarship of 750€ per month during an 8-week on-site phase in Germany.
  • An additional subsidy for accommodation costs in Germany (up to 750€).
  • Coverage of travel costs to Germany.
  • Support in obtaining a visa.
  • Preparation and follow-up online sessions in Germany.
  • On-site stay organized by the GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit).

Application Process

Applicants should apply online by emailing their documents, including a merged e-mail address with the subject “Application for AHK Exchange Program,” to [email protected] The application deadline is January 19th, 2024.

We eagerly anticipate receiving your applications and look forward to this enriching international exchange experience.


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