Tory Councillors Express Dissatisfaction with Sunak’s Government, Poll Indicates Potential Setback for Conservatives in Local Elections

Tory Councillors Express Dissatisfaction with Sunak’s Government, Poll Indicates Potential Setback for Conservatives in Local Elections

A recent Savanta survey sheds light on the sentiments within the Conservative Party, with almost half of Tory councillors indicating that they perceive Rishi Sunak’s government as too left-wing.

This perception stands in stark contrast to a smaller percentage who view the government as too right-wing, reflecting a notable divide among party members.

Anticipated ‘Bloodbath’ at Local Elections

As local elections loom on the horizon, Tory councillors express apprehension about potential losses, with forecasts suggesting the party could face significant setbacks.

Amidst projections of up to 500 lost seats, discontent among Conservative ranks adds to the mounting challenges facing Sunak’s government.

Dissatisfaction with National Party and Government Performance

The survey underscores widespread dissatisfaction among Tory councillors, with nearly two-thirds expressing discontent with their national party.

Similarly, over half of the respondents express dissatisfaction with the government’s performance, reflecting a notable net satisfaction score of -32.

Insights from Conservative Grassroots

Insights from grassroots Conservative members offer a nuanced understanding of the party’s internal dynamics.

While many councillors refrain from publicly criticizing the party, off-the-record conversations reveal deep-seated dissatisfaction with Sunak’s leadership and government policies.

Labour Together Survey Findings

Commissioned by Labour Together, the survey captures the discontent among Tory councillors, serving as a proxy for broader grassroots sentiment.

The findings highlight a growing perception that the Conservative Party is drifting away from traditional conservative values, particularly regarding issues such as immigration.

Assessment and Outlook

With local elections approaching, the polling data underscores the challenges facing the Conservative Party and its leadership.

While electoral outcomes remain unpredictable, the discontent within party ranks suggests a need for strategic recalibration to address internal divisions and bolster electoral prospects.

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