A Guide to Sending Business Swag to your Employees

Has your business outgrown its swag closet? Are certain swag items taking up space in the office and never making their way out to employees? Are you at a loss on how best to send swag to your employees? Don’t worry. Below is a simple and easy-to-follow guide that will show you how to gather new ideas on which items your employees will enjoy and increase employee satisfaction (and loyalty).


Swag is the term used to describe promotional products that are given out by companies to their customers and employees. It’s a way for them to give back to those people who have supported their brand. It can also be used as a tool for marketing, as people tend to keep these items around and use them daily.

How do I know if my company needs company swag?

If you have a lot of customers coming into your office or store, then you may want some type of giveaway item like a pen or keychain that they can take home with them when they leave. These items are often used as promotional tools because they can be used over and over again by anyone in the office as long as they don’t lose them.

Why send swag?

Sending out promotional items can be an effective way to show an appreciation for your employees, especially if you throw a party for them. It’s also a great way to keep them engaged and interested in the company, as well as promote team building and collaboration. It also helps build a sense of community within the workplace by strengthening relationships with other employees and making everyone feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves.

How to Choose the Right Swag

When it comes to promotional products, there are hundreds of options and thousands of companies that sell them. While you can’t go wrong with any of them, you want to make sure you choose the right swag for your company; here are tips on how to choose the best swag:

Make it unique

The most important thing about choosing swag is that it is unique. Everyone has their own opinion of what makes something unique, but in general, people like things that are different from what others have seen before. Avoid generic designs or things that have been done hundreds of times before. Make sure that whatever you’re getting made has never appeared on another piece of promotional material before.

Consider the product cost

Swag doesn’t come cheap, but it doesn’t have to break the bank either. If your budget is tight, don’t worry — there are plenty of ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality or usefulness. And if you have some wiggle room in your budget, then by all means, splurge on some high-end products. Just make sure it fits within your overall marketing strategy before spending too much money on one item.

Think about who will be getting the swag

The type of promotional products you send out will depend on what you want from them. For example, if you want people to use their iPads more often, then sending out custom iPad cases might be a good idea. If you want them to drink more water, then water bottles would be an excellent option. If you want them to remember your brand, then pens or keychains might be better suited for this purpose.

Think about distribution logistics

Will you be giving away items at an event? Or will you be sending them directly to your employees? If so, consider how easy it will be to distribute them. If you’re going to hand out t-shirts or other items at an event, make sure there’s a way for people to get them without having to wrestle someone else for one.

When Should You Send Swag?

A great time to send out swag is at the start of a new project or initiative. For example, if you’re launching an online store and want everyone on board with this new business venture, sending out swag will help them feel like they’re part of something special and give them something tangible they can show off to their friends and family.

Swag is an important and effective marketing tool. By sending swag to your employees on different occasions, you’re reminding them that they work for a great company with awesome perks. Consider the items, size, and cost of your gift cards or gifts. Always take into account the time of year, too. The cheapest isn’t necessarily the best.

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