4 Skills Managers Need to Succeed at Their Jobs

While anybody can work hard and get into a job in management, not all managers are actually good at what they do. The main aim of a manager is to support individuals to turn their talent into better performance. The best managers possess a lot of skills that will help members of their team turn their talent into something more. To do this, they need to possess a lot of skills of their own. If you are currently working as a manager or running your own business, you may be wondering if you’re doing it right when it comes to the employees that you’re handling. Some of the top skills that successful managers should have include:

Communication Skills

Communication skills are important in every aspect of management from delegation to performance management. Chances are that if you take a short course in management skills such as this performance management certificate, communication skills will play a big part in your learning. Understanding how to communicate effectively with others, listening to understand rather than to respond, and putting active listening skills into practice will help you get further as a manager compared to somebody who doesn’t know how to communicate well. 


No manager is able to do everything all by themselves, which is why successful managers know that to be better at what they do and get more from their teams, they need to be good at delegating. Delegating sounds simple – assign somebody else a task – but in reality, it involves much more than that. To delegate successfully and use it as a tool that keeps everything running smoothly, managers need to be aware of what employees are good at and give them a task that aligns with this. 

Decision Making

Successful managers are decisive and confident in the choices that they make. In some businesses, delaying a decision for just a few minutes could be seriously costly, so being able to make decisions under pressure without a lot of time to think things over is a key skill for many managers to develop. If you are not the most decisive person, don’t worry – there are lots of things that you can do to improve this ability as a manager, including putting yourself forward to make as many decisions as possible, and letting go of the idea that you should always make the right decision. A good manager knows that sometimes they might make the wrong decision and is prepared to fix it. 

Emotional Intelligence

If you look back through your career and think about the best managers that you have ever worked for, chances are that emotional intelligence is one trait that they have in common. This skill is all about how you connect your team as humans, and despite being able to make a huge difference it’s a skill that is often overlooked. Being able to notice and manage your own emotions, while still having empathy for the feelings of others, can help you foster better relationships with your team and ultimately improve performance and morale. 

Whether you’re starting to manage your own business or have just landed a new job as a manager, developing these skills will help you do your job more successfully. 

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