Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Extends Voting Hours Due to Delays

In an effort to rectify a blunder in the ongoing elections, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has announced that voting will be extended beyond the initially scheduled time of 7pm.

The decision comes after reports of delays in the arrival of ballot papers at some voting stations across the country.

Approximately 30 percent of these stations encountered delays in opening due to a glitch earlier in the day.

Challenges Faced by ZEC in the 2023 Elections

The Zimbabwe 2023 Election Updates have indicated that the delays in opening polling stations were largely attributed to issues with printing the ballot papers.

These printing delays were a result of various court challenges.

Both Harare and Bulawayo provinces were affected by this situation, as confirmed by the ZEC.

Special Permissions Granted for Extended Voting

To accommodate the affected areas, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission granted special permission for voting to continue until midnight in the delayed stations.

ZEC emphasized that polling stations that opened late due to circumstances beyond the control of the presiding officer will remain operational for the duration of the delay.

This decision aligns with the requirement that polling stations must be open for a continuous period of at least 12 hours on the polling day.

ZEC Acknowledges Voters’ Patience and Urges Tolerance

The ZEC expressed gratitude towards the people of Zimbabwe for their political tolerance and maturity demonstrated during the electoral process.

The commission urged patience from voters who were experiencing delays at polling stations and assured them of their commitment to deliver the necessary materials to facilitate their right to vote.

The ZEC’s statement implored citizens of all political affiliations to continue displaying tolerance and respect for one another, thereby contributing to a free, fair, and credible election.

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