Xcellerant Ventures funds CRISPR QC in Series A

Deal Amount Confidential

The specific financial details of the agreement remain undisclosed, underscoring a level of confidentiality in the recently closed deal.

Xcellerant Ventures’ Backing for CRISPR Analytics Platform

Xcellerant Ventures has committed financial support to propel the CRISPR Analytics Platform towards further advancements.

This backing is anticipated to facilitate ongoing developments within the platform.

Leadership and Platform Overview

Under the guidance of Ross Bundy, CRISPR QC harnesses its analytics platform to furnish comprehensive measurements and analysis pertaining to CRISPR activity.

This initiative empowers scientists and researchers to optimize gene editing outcomes, ensuring the highest standards of quality control.

At the core of the platform lies the company’s proprietary CRISPR-Chip technology, allowing for direct, real-time measurement of CRISPR activity.

Expansion Plans and Satellite Office in Sedona, Arizona

With a burgeoning workforce, CRISPR QC is poised for growth, planning the inauguration of a satellite office in Sedona, Arizona.

This expansion reflects the company’s strategic approach to accommodate its increasing staff and operational demands.

Conclusion and Date of Announcement

This notable development was reported on January 5, 2023, through FinSMEs, marking a significant milestone in CRISPR QC’s journey.

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