Woman’s Journey of Sobriety: Weight Loss, Improved Mental Health, and £5k Savings

…By Lola Smith for TDPel Media. A woman who made the decision to quit alcohol six months ago has experienced significant positive changes in her life.


Kassie Barker-Jones, 28, had considered herself a social drinker until her mental health started to suffer, prompting her to reevaluate her relationship with alcohol.

Since becoming sober, Kassie has noticed a drastic improvement in her anxiety levels.

She has been able to engage in activities she had previously put off due to prioritizing socializing and drinking.

Running, painting, and baking have become her new passions.

Before quitting alcohol, Kassie regularly indulged in post-work drinks on multiple evenings throughout the week, often consuming two bottles of wine and shots during nights out.

The weekends were no exception, with her spending an estimated £200 to £300 on alcohol.


However, waking up to intense anxiety and fragmented memories of the previous night compelled her to take control of her mental well-being.

Initially, Kassie began by restricting her alcohol consumption to weekends only.

After a couple of months, she made the decision to completely eliminate alcohol from her life, starting around the Christmas season.

Her partner, Toby Wilmot, also decided to join her in this lifestyle change.

The financial benefits of giving up alcohol have been substantial, with the couple estimating that they have saved a combined £4.7k.

Kassie has also experienced numerous physical health improvements, such as increased energy, weight loss, lower heart rate and blood pressure, and improved sleep quality.

Kassie has been documenting her journey to sobriety on her TikTok page since 2022, and she attributes her move to Amsterdam, Netherlands in March as a contributing factor to cutting back on alcohol.

She believes that society plays a significant role in perpetuating a toxic drinking culture and undervaluing those who choose not to drink.


Having discovered her inability to moderate her drinking, Kassie has no intentions of reintroducing alcohol into her life.

She views the term “alcoholic” as too binary and recognizes the existence of a gray area when it comes to addiction.

Since giving up alcohol, Kassie has embraced new hobbies and experiences, such as running, painting, and baking, which have brought her joy and a sense of empowerment.

She has come to appreciate the fake confidence that alcohol provided and has now built her self-confidence on her own.

Kassie’s sobriety has not only led to personal growth but has also shaped her expectations of how she should be treated by others.

By choosing sobriety every day, she demands the same level of respect from those around her.

Kassie’s journey serves as an inspiration for those looking to make positive changes in their lives, emphasizing the benefits of sobriety on mental and physical well-being, personal finances, and self-empowerment.

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