For one woman, what started as a cosmetic enhancement almost turned into a nightmare.
Just days after undergoing a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), she found herself rushing to the emergency room, delirious and fighting for her life.
She had opted for filler injections in her buttocks, but things quickly took a turn for the worse.
Medical Emergency and Haematoma Discovery
Only six days after her procedure, the woman, who has chosen to remain anonymous, experienced severe complications.
Doctors discovered she had developed a major haematoma, a condition where blood pools inside the body.
The root cause? A serious error during her BBL procedure.
The practitioner had allegedly injected filler into one of her veins, which caused internal bleeding and ultimately led to sepsis.
Sepsis Diagnosis and Emergency Surgery
By the time she reached the hospital, her condition had deteriorated significantly.
“I was seriously unwell, delirious, and couldn’t stand or walk,” she recalled.
The medical team quickly diagnosed her with sepsis and prepared her for emergency surgery.
Within hours, she was taken to the operating room, not fully aware of the severity of the situation.
When she woke up three hours later, she began a challenging recovery.
A Lengthy Recovery and Mental Strain
Her hospital stay stretched over two weeks, during which she was bed-bound, heavily medicated, and receiving intensive care.
Even after her discharge, her journey to recovery was far from over.
For the next five months, she required daily check-ups from district nurses and struggled to perform basic activities like bathing.
The physical and emotional toll of the experience left her feeling at her lowest, both mentally and physically.
Additional Complications and Disfigurement
To make matters worse, the filler had leaked into her leg, leading to another infection and a subsequent ten-day hospital stay.
Surgeons were forced to remove all the filler, leaving her buttocks disfigured, with uneven skin and sagging tissue.
Desperate to restore her appearance, she began searching for solutions to return her body to normal.
Seeking Help From Dr. Ducu
Eventually, she found hope in Dr. Ducu, a well-known aesthetics practitioner in London.
Although scared, she felt reassured after their consultation. Dr. Ducu explained her options in detail and devised a plan to correct the damage.
He performed his signature procedure, the “DBL” (Ducu Butt Lift), using filler injections to reshape her buttocks.
This treatment, costing £2,500, required minimal downtime and provided much-needed relief.
A Cautious Approach to Cosmetic Procedures
Dr. Ducu emphasized the importance of proper training and safety in cosmetic procedures.
He noted that the patient’s previous experience involved non-sterile injections of hyaluronic acid by someone unqualified to handle complications, nearly costing her her life.
In contrast, Dr. Ducu used ultrasound technology to ensure the filler was injected safely, minimizing risks as much as possible.
Moving Forward With Gratitude
Though the woman is thrilled with her results, she acknowledges that she still has a long road ahead.
Excess skin remains under her buttocks, requiring additional surgery to complete her transformation.
Despite this, she remains grateful to Dr. Ducu and his team for correcting the botched procedure.
“I’m extremely happy with how he’s fixed me. I will forever be grateful,” she said, looking forward to finally moving on from this traumatic experience.
What’s Next?
As she continues her recovery, her story serves as a reminder of the risks involved in cosmetic procedures and the importance of choosing qualified professionals.
For this patient, the worst is behind her, and she’s focused on getting back to normal life.
However, her journey highlights the potential dangers that others might face in the quest for beauty.