Woman in her 20s is sexually assaulted in a town center parking lot as a man, 37, is detained for a sex assault

Man, 37, is arrested for a sex attack when a woman in her 20s is being raped in a town center parking lot.Thomas Pyman Reviewed at 09:29 EDT on August 31, 2023

A guy has been detained following the rape of a lady in her 20s in the trolley bay of a multi-story parking garage.Just before 6 a.m. this morning, the victim’s acquaintance, a 37-year-old suspect, was apprehended after the attack in Boscombe, Dorset, which is close to Bournemouth. The Sovereign Centre’s parking lot was visited by forensic science specialists, and police have cordoned off a portion of the ground floor and the trolley park. The parking lot is still accessible, however getting to the second story requires driving both ways down a one-way system on the ground floor.

‘We received a report at 5.51am on Thursday, August 31, 2023 that a lady had been raped in the Sovereign Center car park in Christchurch Road in Boscombe,’ a spokeswoman for Dorset Police said.The victim, a lady in her 20s, is assisted by the police.A 37-year-old Bournemouth man has been arrested on suspicion of rape after officers responded to the location and conducted inquiries there.The event is being looked into, and police will speak with the victim to get a complete description of what transpired.To enable an inspection of the area, a cordon has been established.

“The victim and the man who was arrested are acquainted.” There is no greater risk to the public, and anyone with concerns is welcome to contact the officers. According to a Sovereign Centre spokesperson who talked to the Bournemouth Echo, “We are aware of an incident that occurred earlier today in the Sovereign Shopping Center car park and are working closely with the police to support their ongoing investigations.”We can attest that the mall is still accessible to shoppers.

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