A wife is fuming after her husband completely stopped contributing to household chores right after they got married, and she’s now considering divorce.
The couple, who had been together for four years before tying the knot, had always shared the household responsibilities evenly. But everything changed once they were married.
“I can’t explain it, but suddenly, he turned into a total slob,” the wife shared on Reddit. “I stopped doing housework myself a month into our marriage as a protest, and now our home is a mess.”
The wife described the situation as more than just a little untidiness.
The house is filled with wet food in the sink, bugs, takeaway boxes scattered everywhere, garbage piling up, puddles, crumbs, dirty laundry, and heaps of dishes.
“I’m hardly ever home because of the mess.
I’ve been staying with my sister and he doesn’t even seem to care. I’ve had multiple breakdowns this month and I’m just over it,” she said.
The Last Straw
A few hours ago, she told her husband that if he didn’t clean up by tonight, she would file for divorce the next day.
His response? He accused her of being unreasonable and claimed that cleaning was no longer his responsibility.
“I nearly lost it,” she admitted. “We never agreed on that.”
Public Outcry
Though her mother-in-law advised against ending the marriage, the general consensus online was clear: the husband’s behavior was unacceptable. Many people were shocked not just by the mess but by his blatant refusal to help.
“His attitude is infuriating. It’s one thing to have different standards of cleanliness, but outright refusing to help is disrespectful and unsanitary,” one woman commented.
Another added, “The fact that he thinks he doesn’t have to clean anymore just because he’s married is deeply troubling. He clearly believes this and it won’t change.”
Broader Concerns
People were outraged by the husband’s actions, especially since it’s not uncommon for some men to expect their wives to handle all household duties while also maintaining a job.
“They want a traditional housewife but also expect the modern wife’s paycheck,” one woman observed.
A man chimed in, saying, “In more traditional cultures, men have much stricter expectations of their roles as husbands. Many would be shocked if they knew what’s expected of them.”
A Common Pattern?
Some commenters noted that this kind of change after marriage is not unusual.
“A lot of people show their true colors once the wedding is over.
It’s unfortunate he deceived you,” one man wrote.
“My ex did the same thing after we got married.
I wasted years trying to fix things. If you can, get out now,” advised another woman.