Why Education Can Never Be A Scam

The phrase “school is scam” is becoming increasingly popular among youngsters these days, as evidenced by its first use in the 1990s. Some of them try to use that slogan to rationalize that many wealthy people are not academically inclined, but many graduates can hardly afford to eat themselves. Today, we will look into that assertion without taking a position on either side.


To begin with, what exactly is education? According to the Oxford dictionary, Educating someone is the process of receiving or imparting systematic instruction, particularly at a school or university. On the other hand, education can be defined as the process of transferring knowledge from one person to another through teaching and receiving. Whether we believe it or not, education results in an intrinsic and permanent change in an individual’s way of thinking and underlying talent and aptitude. 


Consider the situation as if you’ve discovered a valuable piece of gold or diamond that can’t be fully appreciated until it’s purified. It doesn’t matter what kind of ability or skill you have; without the proper education to refine them, they may not be able to reach their full potential.


One major issue is that most individuals base their opinions on topical topics in the lives of others. This is a significant concern. The reality is that far too many individuals have a superficial understanding of education, believing that it consists solely of completing a specific course or earning a degree


You may obtain a computer science degree from a reputable university, but this does not automatically qualify you for employment in the field if you do not understand its fundamentals. Many person have not attended university but are employed by large corporations as computer scientists and engineers, developing great system codes as and when they are required.


People can spend years in school without making any substantial progress, and after all of these years, they become unemployable because they lack relevant skills. As a result, several students yell out the slogan “school na scam.” However, attending school and failing to develop your abilities is a scam in today’s educational system.


 “You haven’t caught up with the real world if you haven’t studied any subjects outside the school curriculum or read any books other than the textbooks that the school pushes you to study,” Nicky Verd remarked. “The vast majority of individuals have been programmed rather than educated.” He couldn’t have expressed himself any better.


Developing your abilities while pursuing your degrees has become increasingly important in today’s environment, as employers focus on knowledge rather than just educational qualifications. 


Getting good grades at the end of reading a book and writing them out in an exam does not imply that you have been educated, especially if you do not incorporate what you have read into your life and memory to further your personal development. 


Not surprisingly, as Albert Einstein observed, “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school.” On the other hand, real education is ingrained in one’s brain, and anyone who understands authentic learning recognizes that it is the result of continuous exposure to and application of information and abilities.


Without education, you would never be able to polish your skills, become better at what you do, or achieve an extraordinary level of personal development. How can education or school (a place of education) be considered a scam in that situation?


It is impossible to overstate the importance of education in a country’s development, as cultures with higher literacy and education tend to have higher rates of economic stability, a lower crime rate, and more significant benefits for women. The benefits of education are both societal and personal, and MyEduScholars have been aware of these advantages for many years. 


It is for this reason why, amid the cries of “school na scam,” we continue to yell a resounding “No!” education is essential for survival, which is why we are devoting a lot of resources to ensuring that as many young people as possible receive an accurate and high-quality education.


We have established scholarships and programs for adolescents to benefit from as they work to earn their certificates and develop their talents. We realize that school was never, and will never be, “a scam.” And any country that wishes to develop must make significant investments in the education of its population.

