What makes a great work team?

The modern workplace can be a fantastic place to be if the team you are working with is a great team. What makes a great team? Is it the leadership or the members, or both? Maybe it’s the way the team interacts with each other. Read on to find out more about what makes a great team. 


Mutual respect for and from all the members of a team is a must. Make sure all the team is aware of each other’s accomplishments, achievements, and experience. Having a team get together and creating team bonding will lay the foundation for that respect and understanding.


There are different types of leaders ranging from quiet leadership or silent leaders that lead by example to autocratic leaders. These tend to ignore the team and any input they may have. 

What is needed in a team leader? A leader needs to be able to pull all the parts of the team and all the resources from the team together to perform to their best, both as a team and individually. Sometimes conflict may arise within the group that needs to be dealt with. The leader will be able to bring the sides together into mutual respect and agreement.

No wagging finger

In any project, somewhere along the way, mistakes will inevitably be made. How they are dealt with will be a defining moment for the team and can lead to a feeling of distrust or strengthen the team bond. Pointing the finger of blame will solve no issues. As a team, all will bathe in the glory when it all goes great, so why single one person out when it all goes wrong. The most important thing to learn here is how to deal with that mistake, how to put it right, and how to stop it from happening again. Don’t let it disable the team, or this will lead to failure and a broken team.


A great team leader of a great team will know to delegate tasks amongst the group evenly. If a member feels saddled with too much work, that will have a knock-on effect on other team members. Make sure that if a team member feels they cannot cope with the duties they have been given or asked for, then they can ask for help without any fear of others losing regard for them.

Admit when you fail

No one likes to fail, but it is better to admit that the present way of reaching the desired outcome of a project is not working early on in the process than to carry on to a disaster. Start over and admit that you had problems and find a way to avoid those issues from a new start.

A great team knows they are great, and they will always be on hand to help any member that needs it, even if it has not been requested. A great team treats everyone as equals, respects and listens to everyone. A great team is a collection of great individuals working towards a common goal.

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