Weru TV CEO JOHN MARETE accused of sexually assaulting a marketing lady during an EABL activation event – Bribes cops to go slow on the case.

By Cyprian Nyakundi.
On 23rd October 2021, EABL had a product activation at Club Maxxiss in Maua town, partnering with a local media house, Weru Tv. It is not the first of such, the partnership between the two has been in existence for some time now, but not all has been rosy.
On this particular night, one of the EABL promotion ladies went through a horrific ordeal, one which neither EABL nor the police seems to turn a deaf ear to. At around 2.30 am, Weru TV CEO John Marete was seen leaving the club in the company of a visibly drunk and incapacitated lady who was part of the EABL promotion crew. The lady(name withheld), would later be rescued by matatu crew dumped along the highway, raped and beaten up to almost an inch of her life.
The matatu crew dropped her at a nearby hospital and left. A friend of the lady who had been desperately looking for her colleague finally found her at the health centre and from here they proceeded to report the matter at Maua police station. However, the police denied them a P3 form with an excuse that the victim was drunk and not in a position to properly identify her assailant, even though cctv footage from the club clearly showed whom the lady left the club with.
This is the 7th case of rape/ sexual assault on EABL promotion employees since October 2021 associated with the Weru Tv CEO John Marete that authorities seem to be turning a blind eye on, word on the street being the said John Marete is in “good books” with most of the police bosses in the region.
Calls and texts to management and those responsible for promotions and marketing at EABL have gone unanswered, and while the company insists on partnering with the media outlet in its promotions in the greater Meru region, many of the women promoters are now living in fear for they know not who will fall prey of the rapist skunk that is Weru Tv CEO John Marete.
The big question we are asking ourselves is, who is the main beneficiary of the monetary kickbacks at the EABL marketing team who is soo powerful that women are being raped and sexually abused during their promotional activities and have no recourse or protection from sexual predators while at work? Also, why are police authorities not allowing victims to report rape and sexual assault incidences against the said John Marete??
Is top management at EABL aware that at least 7 EABL employees engaged in promotional activities in the greater Meru region have been raped or sexually assaulted by Weru Tv CEO John Marete but have had no recourse or protection from their supervisors given that all these cases have been reported to the Marketing team leaders on the ground?
Lastly, when shall a corporate as big as EABL allow rape and sexual harassment of its employees by its media partners just because a section of the mid-level managers are getting monetary kickbacks from the Media Outlet?
EABL is not the only corporate whose employees have reported sexual assault incidences regarding the Weru Tv CEO, we shall be rolling out more incidences from Agents and Advertising agencies working for brands including Safaricom, Equity Bank, Standard Chartered, ABSA and Coca Cola. We shall be highlighting the chain through which monetary kickbacks are being channelled (complete with names of all Agent/advertising agency individuals involved).
We believe its the high time some of these brands knew how some of the monies they are paying to some of these Media agencies are finding their way back into the hands of corrupt individuals in these agencies and how in the process, abetting rape and sexual assault.

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