In a heart-wrenching tale of neglect and betrayal, a wealthy conservative Christian couple adopted a boy from Haiti, only to leave him behind in Jamaica when his boarding school was shut down over severe abuse allegations.
Mark and Spring Goldman, who had initially adopted Elijah, now 17, decided to send him to the Atlantis Leadership Academy in Jamaica after he misbehaved and viewed pornography.
Elijah’s Nightmare at the Academy
Elijah recounts a nightmare experience at the American-run school, claiming he was beaten and starved.
Despite these grave conditions, his parents did not come to his aid. Instead, they abandoned him in a foreign country, leaving Elijah to fend for himself.
In a poignant statement to the Detroit Free Press, he shared his pain: “I appreciate them for bringing me to the US, but they abandoned me. I’m staying strong, but it hurts.”
The Strain of Teenage Rebellion
Elijah’s troubles began during his teenage years when he struggled with issues related to pornography.
He admitted to lying to his parents about his online activities, feeling embarrassed and unable to confront the truth.
His behavior escalated through the eighth grade, leading to more severe consequences including confiscated phones and the discovery of explicit content.
Sent Away to Troubled Youth Programs
After a physical altercation with his father, Elijah was sent to various facilities for troubled boys, starting with the Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch in Arizona.
He later moved to the Masters Ranch Christian Academy in Missouri, from which he fled due to safety concerns.
His final destination was the Atlantis Leadership Academy, where he experienced brutal abuse, including being cut and beaten.
The Abusive Environment at Atlantis
Elijah described horrifying conditions at the Atlantis Leadership Academy, which has since closed.
He reported being cut with a razor and beaten with a hammer.
Other boys faced similar abuse, including waterboarding, physical assaults, and forced participation in fight clubs.
In February, Elijah was one of six American boys removed from the academy, and he was placed into foster care before the school’s closure.
A Cold Response from Adoptive Parents
It wasn’t until April that Elijah heard from his adoptive parents during court proceedings.
They expressed disbelief over the abuse claims and did not offer support.
Elijah was adopted alongside his sister through a program aimed at addressing Haiti’s orphan crisis.
His adoptive family, including two biological children, resides in a $1.9 million home.
Mark Goldman, formerly involved in real estate and education, and Spring Goldman, a health and wellness consultant, have been criticized for their handling of the situation.
Advocacy and Legal Struggles
Child welfare advocates have highlighted a troubling pattern where parents adopt children but later abandon them due to their difficulties.
In April, five individuals at the school in Jamaica were arrested on charges of child abuse and assault.
Dawn Post, a children’s rights attorney, has taken a keen interest in Elijah’s case, accusing the Goldmans of preferential treatment due to their wealth.
Elijah’s Journey Back to the US
After a tumultuous journey, Elijah returned to the US last week.
Confusion over jurisdiction between Florida and Michigan delayed his reintegration.
His adoptive parents did not meet him at the airport. Instead, he was greeted by Post and Chelsea Maldonado, an abuse survivor.
Elijah was placed in a children’s home in Florida before being flown to Michigan, where he encountered mixed responses from his adoptive family.
A Glimmer of Hope
Despite the pain and abandonment, a positive development emerged when a retired schoolteacher from Traverse City, known only as Teri, offered to foster Elijah.
Teri’s act of kindness provided a beacon of hope for Elijah, who had previously been let down by those entrusted with his care.
Public Support and Celebrity Advocacy
Elijah’s story has garnered significant public attention, including support from socialite Paris Hilton.
Hilton expressed outrage over the abuse and called for immediate action.
Her advocacy has brought further visibility to the case, highlighting the systemic failures that allowed such abuses to occur.
As Elijah begins a new chapter with his foster parent, the ongoing scrutiny and public support continue to shine a light on the injustices he has faced.
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