Video:“I don’t want to be remembered. I want you guys to look after each other.” – Kuli Roberts’s last wish

Kuli Roberts, a media personality, fashion and beauty journalist, actress, and TV host, died unexpectedly on Wednesday evening, shocking South Africa. She was 39 years old at the time.  
The former Sunday World lifestyle editor, TV personality and Kaya FM radio host — who passed away on Thursday evening 9 February — shared what her last wishes are for when she passes away in an interview with MacG on Podcast and Chill.
When MacG asked her how she’d like to be remembered, Roberts simply replied:

“I don’t want to be remembered. I want you guys to look after each other.”
“Look after the people who have albinism, look after the LGBTQIA community, look after black people…”
Kuli Roberts

She also said people should stop insulting black people, saying black people can’t swim.

“We were the ones saving the sailors when they were settling on this continent.”

Daily Sun reported that the beloved media personality passed away at her home while she was getting ready to do a radio crossover last night at 22:00.
A friend of the media personality — who prefers to stay anonymous — confirmed her passing to the publication this morning.



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