US Space Force reports thousands of UFOs in space, leading to concerns

The US Space Force, the Pentagon’s defense against space-based threats, has identified thousands of UFOs in Earth’s orbit, leading to concerns about threat identification.

While some sightings may be attributed to space debris and meteoroids, the presence of foreign adversaries’ spy satellites adds complexity to the situation.

A significant worry is the potential existence of threatening spacecraft hidden in the unmonitored region between Earth and the moon, known as ‘cislunar’ orbit.

Challenges and Objectives

Space Force’s recent report highlights challenges in distinguishing between threats and hazards, emphasizing the need to identify objects exhibiting abnormal observables and patterns of life.

The term ‘abnormal observables’ remains unclear, and further clarification is sought regarding its meaning. The report underscores the importance of rapidly responding to potential threats, including those with unconventional characteristics.

Unexplained Phenomena and UFO Techno-Signatures

Pentagon officials, in recent years, have focused on the ‘five observables’ characterizing unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP). These observables include gravity-defying behavior, low radar observability, sudden accelerations, hypersonic speeds, and trans-medium travel.

The extent to which these observables overlap with Space Force’s ‘abnormal observables’ remains uncertain. Additionally, the report introduces the concept of ‘patterns of life’ in the context of orbital unknowns.

Patterns of Life and Infrared Capabilities

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The term ‘patterns of life’ has been associated with thermal heat signatures, particularly in military contexts. It can refer to the heat signatures emitted by living targets, whether human or potentially extraterrestrial. Space Force’s focus on the infrared capabilities of military satellites suggests a consideration of thermal signatures for anomaly detection.

Space Domain Awareness (SDA) Initiative

Space Force’s mid-November publication outlines its Space Domain Awareness (SDA) initiative, emphasizing the mission to monitor a wide orbital range.

The document underscores the rapid increase in orbital objects, with over 25,000 known objects and an escalating number of unidentified ones. The goal is to positively identify UFOs and determine their nature and potential threat to the United States.

Budgetary Requests and Future Initiatives

Addressing the challenges posed by UFOs requires additional resources, leading Space Force to request a $30 billion budget for 2024. The branch acknowledges the necessity of resolving UFO mysteries to efficiently allocate resources for space and terrestrial combatant commands.

Concerns about foreign spy satellites and the vast, unmonitored ‘cislunar’ orbit have prompted the development of new monitoring probes, such as the Oracle spacecraft.


The increasing complexities of monitoring space activities, coupled with the surge in UFO sightings, present a unique challenge for the US Space Force.

As the branch seeks additional funding and explores advanced monitoring technologies, the goal remains to distinguish between potential threats and routine space activities in the ever-expanding realm beyond Earth.

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