University of Lagos UNILAG Secondary School Basic 7 JSS1 Admission Form for 2022/2023 Academic Session

For the 2022/2023 academic year, the International School, University of Lagos (ISL) welcomes applications from properly qualified applicants for admission into BASIC 7(JS1).
How to Apply for UNILAG Secondary School Basic 7 (JSS1) Admission Form

  1. Kindly visit HRDC website:
  2. Click on the payment portal
  3. Click on others
  4. Fill the options: (under name fill candidate’s name and select HRDC-ISL Application Fee)
  5. Click on continue, print payment advice and take to bank for payment
  6. Present receipt at HRDC Admission office to obtain form


  1. Visit HRDC office to generate payment advice
  2. Take to bank for payment
  3. Present receipt at HRDC Admission office to obtain form

Application forms are available at the cost of Ten Thousand Naira (₦10,000.00).
The entrance examination is scheduled as follows:
Venue: International School, University of Lagos
Date: Friday, April 29, 2022
Time: 9:00a.m.
The closing date for the submission of completed Application Forms is Wednesday, April 27, 2022.
Please note:

  1. The completed application form is to be submitted with a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate and two (2) recent passport photographs, at the HRDC Office, University of Lagos.
  2. Children who will not attain the age of 10 years by 31st October 2022 need not apply. ANY CASE OF UNDERAGE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR ADMISSION.
  3. Candidates will sit for entrance examination in the following areas: English Language/Verbal Aptitude; Mathematics/Quantitative Aptitude; and General Knowledge with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
  4. Past Entrance examinations questions and answers booklets will be available at the HRDC office for interested candidates, at the cost of one thousand, five hundred naira only (N1, 500.00) to be paid in addition to the cost of the form.

For Enquiries, kindly call 07061996033, 07038712014, 08023368790
