Unions denounce Government’s laws on industrial action

Unions will harshly denounce the Government’s contentious legal decision about the provision of minimal levels of service during strikes during the TUC Congress, which begins on Sunday.

According to officials, the new law is pointless, inapplicable, and will not help resolve disputes.

Following a year of extraordinary industrial action by hundreds of thousands of workers, including nurses, teachers, government employees, and railway workers, the government moved forward with the law.

During discussions at the convention in Liverpool, unions will demand a legal challenge to the legislation.

The Rail, Maritime and Transport union (RMT), which has been at odds with the government for a long time over pay, working conditions, and other issues, will urge unions to employ “all means necessary” to overturn the law.

The Fire Brigades Union will advocate for widespread non-compliance, including industrial action.

The goal of the new rule, according to the government, is to guarantee a basic level of service during strikes in industries like the railways and NHS.

The government has announced a consultation on how the new law would be implemented.

No matter how hard the Government tries to spin it, the Conservatives are blatantly assaulting the freedom to strike, according to TUC general secretary Paul Nowak.

“This consultation is a hoax. A deluge of data showing how these rules are ineffective and will fuel conflict has been disregarded by ministers.

They continue their anti-union campaign despite the UN watchdog for workers’ rights criticising it and their recent High Court loss regarding the use of agency employees during strikes.

The fundamental rights protected by international law appear to be being violated by this government.

That is why we will pursue every available option, including legal ones, to oppose this legislation.

This week’s discussion topics also cover the cost-of-living crises and employment rights.

The cost-of-living crisis is largely due to our lax employment rights framework, according to Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis.

One-sided flexibility makes it too simple and inexpensive for managers to make last-minute shift changes or hours reductions, benefiting employers at the expense of employees.

“Short and zero-hour contracts deprive employees of financial security.

A comprehensive new deal for workers must provide workers with better security, more predictable work schedules, and more hours.

“This legislation’s purpose is to protect the lives and livelihoods of the general public and ensure they can continue to access essential public services during strikes,” a government spokesperson stated.

However, people expect the government to respond when their rights and freedoms are being unfairly affected, and that is what we are doing with this Bill.

Although the legislation does not eliminate the right to strike, it does give the government the authority to do so.

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