UK Extension of help with POA contingency cost claims

Support arrangements for providers who claimed a 100% contingency POA payment will now be extended to 11 March 2022.

What is the support for?

The support is to help providers balance off outstanding cases claimed under the 100% POA contingency process, which ran from April 2020 until June 2021.

Why is this happening now?

We are extending the deadline for the support arrangements to 11 March 2022 in response to changes to work from home guidance in December 2021.
The support arrangements were originally due to end at the end of January 2022.

How did the contingency work?

The 100% POA contingency process allowed providers to claim for a temporary payment on older claims using a POAC1 form. They could claim 100% of the costs under a POA payment. As indicated, this scheme has now closed.

How are you helping now?

We will contact firms directly who have outstanding 100% POAs to advise they submit their final claims to us by 11 March 2022.
Where this deadline is not going to be possible, we will consider requests for extensions based on individual circumstances.
If we do not hear from you in return by 25 March 2022, we will seek repayment of outstanding POAs.

Submitting paper claims

Paper claims can be sent to us electronically for assessment using the guidance below.

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