UAEU runner to participate in ‎World University Cross Country ‎Championships in Portugal

UAEU runner to participate in ‎World University Cross Country ‎Championships in Portugal

ALAIN, 19th February, 2022 – ‎Abdel Salam Ibrahim, a runner from the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) from the College of ‎Education, has achieved the qualifying time that ‎would enable him to participate in the “World ‎University Cross Country Championships for ‎‎10 km run”, in Aveiro, Republic of Portugal.

The competitions will be held on 12th March ‎‎2022, which is considered one of the best ‎sports events that include elite runners from ‎various international universities.

Ibrahim Mukhtar, Head of the Sports ‎Activities Unit at the UAEU, said, “The ‎Sports Activities Unit has supervised, prepared ‎and developed training plans since the ‎admission of the runner Abdel Salam Ibrahim ‎to the UAEU, under the supervision of a group ‎of specialists in physical fitness, nutrition and ‎sports, and with great support from the UAEU ‎senior administration.

“We hope, therefore, to ‎achieve an advanced position in the World ‎University Cross Country Championships at ‎an international level‏,” he added.

He pointed out that a special programme has ‎been prepared for this global participation ‎through daily exercises in the UAEU sports ‎complex and external training camps, where Ibrahim is currently ‎in Tunisia, to participate in a week-intensive ‎training camp and undergo several physical tests.

Ibrahim will travel to ‎Ethiopia in February for a closed training ‎camp in the mountainous heights.

Next March, he will head directly to Portugal to ‎participate in the World University Cross ‎Country Championships.

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