Breathlessly, Tucker Carlson predicts a “Trump assassination” is imminent.

Breathlessly, Tucker Carlson predicts a “Trump assassination” is imminent.For Dailymail.Com, Laura Parnaby Time of last update: 13:29, September 1, 2023 EDT

In light of Trump’s recent indictments, Tucker Carlson has made the shocking prediction that the former president will be murdered.Trump’s claim that he is under attack from corrupt, politically-motivated authorities who are seeking to derail his 2024 White House bid is given credence by the dire prediction of the former primetime Fox News host.The comment was made at the same time as Vladimir Solovyov, a senior Russian propagandist, called Carlson a “dead man walking,” implying that the US establishment would like to see him gone as well.

They indicted him three times, and every time his popularity soared, Carlson stated on Adam Carolla’s eponymous YouTube show.’What happens if you start with criticism, then move on to protest, then impeachment, then indictment, and nothing changes?Put that on a graph, dude! Obviously, we’re on a collision course with an assassination.

People won’t come out and say it, but it seems obvious: “Permanent Washington, both parties, have decided, that there is something about Trump that is so threatening to them that they just can’t have it.”The 54-year-old Fox presenter turned Twitter sensation also asserted that the US administration is preparing to go to war with Russia, a conflict he suggested Vladimir Putin’s country would win.Carlson’s comments come after he interviewed the 77-year-old former president on X, formerly known as Twitter, last week.

The former Fox presenter confronted Trump with the question of whether or not he feared for his life in light of the numerous probes into his conduct.

They might try to kill you, but are you afraid? I can’t see why they wouldn’t want to kill you. Really?’ Carlson questioned.’They are savage creatures; they are individuals who are sick,’ the ex-president said in response. While they talked for 46 minutes, 13 million Americans watched the Fox-hosted Republican primary debate in Milwaukee, where eight of Trump’s opponents squared off.Even while Carlson’s interview with Trump received 238 million “views” on X, it was far more popular than the debate itself.

However, this is not a fair comparison because X counts interactions with videos based on viewers scrolling through them without really watching any of it.Trump used his public forum to attack Biden’s’skinny legs’ in recent beach images, suggesting that the former vice president lacks the cognitive abilities necessary to be elected president in 2024.He also stated he didn’t participate in the first Republican presidential debate because his competitors’shouldn’t even be running’ and he didn’t want to be ‘harassed’ there.

However, Russian propagandist Solovyov predicted Tucker’s own death, echoing a similar attitude.Several portions from Carlson’s discussion with Carolla, in which he made histrionic predictions, were included on Thursday’s program of The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov. Solovyov dramatically labeled Carlson a “dead man walking” after he said the United States is preparing for conflict with Russia and would lose.”Who says that?” A living corpse!

According to translated accounts, Solovyov remarked, “He sincerely believes that the next step after the accusations and the declaration of impeachment will be an assassination of Trump.””But this man, the most famous journalist writing in English right now, wrote his own death warrant!”According to Solovyov, Carlson’s apparent unfavorability in the eyes of the American government stems from the fact that he wants to interview Vladimir Putin.’They will not forgive him for trying to interview our president and posting the tape on a site that has no censorship!’ he proclaimed.

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