Tshwane Health unveils 2024 clinic open days

Heading: Proactive Measures for Community Well-being in Tshwane

As the City of Tshwane steps into 2024, the Health Department is taking proactive steps to prioritize the well-being of its community.

Heading: Clinic Open Days Initiative

A central focus of their plans involves the implementation of Clinic Open Days, urging residents to actively engage in community health initiatives throughout the upcoming year.

This innovative approach aims to increase awareness and participation in the diverse range of services offered at each clinic.

Heading: Insightful Platforms for Community Engagement

Each clinic hosts an open day, serving as a platform for community members to gain valuable insights into the various services available.

The Health Department’s promotion team actively supports these open days, enabling community members to interact with staff, undergo screenings, and receive health-related information leaflets.

Heading: Dissemination of Health Information

In addition to hands-on experiences, the Health Department ensures the widespread distribution of health-related information through informative leaflets during open days.

This strategy aims to empower residents with knowledge about available health services and promote preventative health measures.

Heading: Empowering Health in 2024

This multifaceted approach is designed to empower residents with comprehensive knowledge about health services, actively promoting a culture of preventative health measures.

The Clinic Open Days initiative underscores the City of Tshwane Health Department’s dedication to fostering community well-being and encourages residents to actively participate in their health journey throughout the new year.

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