Trial Begins for Nigerian Man Accused of Controlling Behavior Towards Wife in Manchester Court

Lukman Shonibare, a 44-year-old Nigerian man, stood trial at Manchester’s Crown Square Court, facing allegations of coercive and controlling behavior towards his wife, Lyndsay. The court heard disturbing details of Shonibare’s actions, including threats of divorce, manipulation through contracts, and psychological torment.

According to testimony presented during the trial, Shonibare intensified his controlling behavior after the death of Lyndsay’s grandfather in April 2020. Lyndsay described feeling trapped in a “torture chamber,” subjected to daily mental anguish by her husband’s actions. One particularly unsettling incident involved Shonibare falsely claiming to possess spiritual powers, alleging he could see Lyndsay smoking through supernatural means. In reality, he had been secretly monitoring her with hidden cameras concealed in a boxing glove.

Isolation and Abuse

Lyndsay revealed that Shonibare gradually isolated her from friends and family, exerting his dominance over every aspect of her life. She recounted instances of physical abuse, including pinching, slapping, and even suffocation. Shonibare asserted his authority by pinching her over 20 times in one instance, followed by splashing water on her face to prevent her from speaking. Lyndsay felt helpless and fearful, unable to seek help due to her husband’s threats and manipulation tactics.

Manipulation and Control

Shonibare’s control extended to significant life events, such as the naming of their children. Despite Lyndsay’s desires, Shonibare insisted on traditional Nigerian customs, denying her the opportunity to name their first son. He also destroyed her personal belongings, including her mobile phone, depriving her of cherished memories and cutting off her communication with the outside world.

Legal Proceedings and Cross-Examination

The trial saw Lyndsay bravely recounting her experiences, detailing the abuse and manipulation she endured throughout her marriage. Despite facing cross-examination from the defense, Lyndsay remained resolute in her testimony, refuting attempts to discredit her account. She maintained that Shonibare’s actions were not provoked by her behavior or influenced by external factors, such as her grandfather’s death.

Continuing Legal Process

As the trial progresses, the court aims to uncover the full extent of Shonibare’s alleged offenses. With the proceedings expected to last three days, both sides will present evidence and arguments to support their respective positions. Shonibare maintains his innocence, pleading not guilty to the charge of coercive and controlling behavior.


The case sheds light on the insidious nature of domestic abuse and the importance of providing support and protection to survivors. Lyndsay’s courage in coming forward serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience exhibited by victims of abuse. As the legal process unfolds, justice will be sought for those who have suffered at the hands of coercive and controlling individuals.

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