Tourist’s Incredible Experience: Riding a Whale Shark’s Nose!

In a remarkable encounter captured on video in Oslob, Cebu province on June 6, a massive whale shark exhibited an extraordinary behavior by supporting a snorkeler on its nose and carrying him along for a short ride.


The marine creature gently nudged the man to the water’s surface before joining the other whale sharks in the area.

For a brief but unforgettable moment, the man had the opportunity to perch on the face of this majestic animal, an experience he described as truly special.

Whale sharks, the largest fish in the world, can grow up to an impressive 60 feet in length.

Feeding primarily on microscopic plankton and other tiny marine creatures, they are known for their gentle nature and lack of aggression towards humans.


Oslob town, with an average of 120,000 tourists annually, has become a popular destination for whale shark viewing activities.

However, concerns have arisen regarding the well-being of these magnificent creatures.

A survey conducted in 2020 revealed that at least 95 percent of the whale sharks spotted in the area bore scars or injuries, leading experts to discourage such interactions.

Whale sharks typically dive to depths of around 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) in search of food, then resurface to warm up and recover before their next dive.

Human interactions like the one witnessed in the video can cause harassment and stress, disrupting their natural behavior such as feeding or resting.


The energy expended during these interactions may be detrimental to the well-being of the sharks.

Wendy Higgins, the director of international media for Humane Society International, voiced concerns about such encounters.

She pointed out that touching whale sharks could disturb the protective mucus layer on their skin, potentially harming them.

Despite the docile and slow-moving nature of whale sharks, interactions with people and boats in the wild can lead to stress and harassment, altering their natural behaviors.

To ensure the well-being of these magnificent creatures, experts advise observing them from a safe and respectful distance.


Enjoying the sight of whale sharks in their natural habitat can be a memorable and awe-inspiring experience when done responsibly and without causing any harm to these gentle giants.

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