Digital marketing strategies are the backbone of every successful business. If it doesn’t have an effective marketing strategy in place, then the business doesn’t exist in the eyes or minds of customers. Like any other industry, marketing is highly susceptible to changes and trends. Although we’re already in 2022, it took a while for revolutionary marketing strategies to emerge and start changing the marketing landscape all over again. In this article, we’re bringing the top seven marketing techniques your business has to implement this year.
Hybrid Events
Interaction with customers is at the core of every marketing strategy. The most efficient way for interaction is live events. However, during COVID-19, it was impossible to organize them, so maintaining engagement and relationships was the most difficult task for every marketer. In the post-pandemic world, you finally have the chance to get back to live events but this time with a twist. You can organize hybrid events. It means, organizing a live event for those customers who want to engage with the brand in person and live streaming them for those wanting to enjoy the interaction from the comfort of their homes.
The one trend that doesn’t seem to fade away is communication. When visiting web shops and websites, customers always want to have a great experience whether they’re just browsing, buying, or asking questions about products or services. To make sure they get the quality they deserve, your marketing staff should be great communicators. How else can they deliver messages, create strategies, and launch campaigns? Also, marketing teams always have many tasks to complete and if they don’t communicate well, the work organization becomes a mess. If you leverage intranet, you’ll quickly realize how effective and creative your team becomes.
Marketing professionals don’t use chatbots just for answering customers’ questions and inquiries timely. They have huge marketing potential. For example, they collect valuable information about customers which you can analyze and get to know them better. More importantly, you can pre-qualify leads and make sure your marketing strategy brings desired results. More advanced chatbots come with a face recognition feature that takes customer service to a whole nother level. Some also contain voice commands which famous brands such as Starbucks and Pizza Hut have been using to receive orders. Sephora even uses them to share make-up tutorials with consumers.
Voice Search
What most of today’s marketing trends have in common is artificial intelligence. Voice search is also powered by AI. Siri, Alexa, and Google have entered many households all around the world because they make people’s lives easier. By the end of 2022, experts predict consumers will crave for this feature much more than they do now. Your brand needs to embrace voice search right away and add the feature because users of mobile devices prefer it for its convenience. When you give customers a hands-free experience, you can improve the online shopping experience and overall customer experience.
Marketing Automation
When you think about it, most marketing tasks are repetitive and therefore tedious. If only there was a way to let tools and apps do them for you. Luckily for marketers, as one of many available technologies today, automation has found its way into marketing too. Now you can let tools send emails to your visitors or chatbots handle customer complaints and questions. One of the greatest benefits of marketing automation is lead generation. Apart from this, you can also use it for retargeting and social media posting. Thanks to its efficiency and advantages, more than 70% of brands use some type of automation in their day-to-day marketing operations.
Internet without Cookies
Although most Internet users find third-party cookies annoying, they’re incredibly useful for marketers. Cookies collect priceless information about visitors, their browsing habits, and customer behavior in the digital marketplace. Since search engines such as Google plan to remote cookies entirely, you have to come up with equally effective but less invasive ways to find out what your customer like. Experts predict we’ll have the Internet without cookies as early as 2023. For this reason, you might as well start exploring AI and data analytics now to prepare for the world without third-party cookies.
Influencer Marketing
Studies show customers dislike online advertisements. That’s why most of them use ad-blockers or pay additional money to enjoy streaming platforms without any ads interrupting them. However, influencer marketing is constantly evolving. It means you can use celebrities or lesser-known people with huge numbers of followers to advertise your brand. In return, you can offer them exclusive deals or compensation in some other form. Customers are more likely to buy products their favorite influencers recommend than the ones they discovered themselves. Therefore, partnering with influencers increases your brand’s credibility and drives your sales.
Every brand striving to become successful relies on marketing strategies to make it happen. As you may already know, new marketing strategies emerge every year, and this year it’s not any different. Now that you’ve become familiar with the trends, you can start taking advantage of them and ensuring long-term business success.
Morgan Rose Elliott graduated marketing from The University of Sydney. Hobbies include yoga, reading, home renovation. A rookie blogger who loves writing about business and lifestyle equally. She is happily married, stay at home mother of three.
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