Top 7 Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure For a Smile Makeover

Your smile is the most appealing feature of your face. A beautiful smile on your face can significantly boost your confidence and change the way you think about yourself. Besides adding more beauty to your face, your teeth can be easily hindered by various dental problems. 

Dental problems, when not taken good care of, can create a negative impact on your daily lifestyle and affect your confidence to present yourself in the crowd. As a result, you are forced to hide your smile and be on guard in public places. Don’t let your dental health problems take away your peace of mind, especially on important days of your life. 

With good dental cosmetic treatment, you can bring back your flawless smile and boost your self-esteem to the next level. In this article, we have listed some top effective and prominent cosmetic dental treatments that you can consider for your dental health treatments. 

Here are the top 7 cosmetic dentistry treatments offered by the best dentists in Roanoke, VA.  

1. Teeth Whitening 

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular and widely used cosmetic treatments across the globe. Teeth whitening treatment is an ideal option for people who don’t have crooked or uneven teeth problems. If discolored or yellow teething is affecting your confidence levels, then teeth whitening can do wonders for you. It is a simple dental treatment that can help you balance the color of your teeth in a few sessions. Depending on your eating habits and discoloration your treatment sessions can vary from others. 

2. Dental Veneers 

For people having cracked, chipped, decayed, or missing teeth delta veneers can be a suitable option out there. Dental veneers can also be a perfect solution for misaligned and discolored problems. Dental veneers involve taking some enamel off from the front of your teeth to align your teeth accordingly. A tiny portion of enamel is taken off, that you won’t probably even notice is gone. This way, you can get a perfect smile without making huge changes to your face. 

3. Composite Bonding 

Composite bonding is the process of creating a clay-like material that looks similar to your enamel or missing portion of your teeth. Composite bonding is the best suitable solution for people who have chipped teeth, decayed teeth, and other related issues. It requires a considerable amount of attention and care to prepare material similar to the texture and shine of your existing teeth. Consider taking services from a reputable and experienced dentist for better results. 

4. Crowns 

Crowns are another most popular dental care treatment that you might come across for broken, decayed, and damaged teeth. Crowns are also known as a cap that goes over the entire tooth above the gum areas of your teeth. Crowns are made of various materials, such as ceramic, porcelain, etc. to offer perfect protection to your teeth. Ceramic covers are the most costly types of crowns available in the market. It blends perfectly with your teeth to match the texture. 

5. Enamel Reshaping 

Due to different reasons, you would want to reshape your enamel. In some cases, the improper shape of enamel can create chewing issues, gum-biting issues, and more. You can easily get rid of those sharp enamel and chew food without worrying about biting your inner gums. Sharp enamels can easily injure your gums or other parts of your mouth. This treatment can also be a suitable solution to fill gaps between your teeth and other related issues. 

6. Dental implants 

At times, dental problems can be beyond repairs. The solution left is to get rid of those damaged and decayed teeth. Dental implants are the process of removing damaged teeth and replacing them with a more functional dental implant. Decayed tooth problems can possess a serious threat to your existing teeth as decay can spread when not taken good care of. A dental implant is a dental screw that is put into the gums as a replacement for a decayed or damaged tooth. 

7. Invisalign Treatment 

If you are looking for ways to align your teeth without braces, then Invisalign treatment is all you need. This treatment also known as clear braces treatment involves gently pushing or applying pressure to gradually shift your crooked teeth to the perfect position. 

We hope, with this article, you now possess a greater understanding of the different types of dental treatment available out there. State your dental concerns and preferences to your dentists for better results. 

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