To Kiss or Not to Kiss: When Illness Puts Intimacy to the Test

Woman sparks debate about hygiene in relationships after boyfriend refuses to kiss her while sick

A woman has sparked a debate about hygiene in relationships after complaining that her boyfriend won’t kiss her when she’s sick.

The woman, believed to be from the US, explained on Reddit that she recently had a cold but her boyfriend would only hug her from behind as he didn’t want to catch her germs.

She asked if others found this ‘normal’ and said that in past relationships, she would still be intimate with her partner while feeling ill.

Reddit users weigh in

People were quick to respond to the woman’s question with their opinions.

The majority of users said that it was perfectly reasonable for the boyfriend not to want to get sick.

Some users even said they would go as far as sleeping in separate rooms when they are sick.

Others argue that physical contact is important during illness

However, a minority of users argued that physical contact is important during illness and that they would continue to kiss and cuddle their partner even if they were sick.

They said that if they live together, it is inevitable that they will pass the illness on to their partner anyway.

Ultimately, it’s a personal decision

The bottom line is that this is a personal decision.

Some couples may be comfortable with physical contact while sick, while others may prefer to keep their distance.

It is important to communicate with your partner about your needs and expectations to avoid any misunderstandings.
