Thieves rob Franciscan church, desecrate tabernacle in Chile

Thieves rob Franciscan church, desecrate tabernacle in Chile.

The Franciscan Recollects church in Santiago, Chile. / Recoleta Franciscana – Comedor Fray Andresito

Santiago, Chile, Feb 10, 2022 / 15:40 pm (CNA).

Unidentified persons broke into the Franciscan Recollects church in Santiago, Chile, Feb. 9 and forced open the tabernacle, scattering the consecrated Hosts.

During the early morning hours, a group of six individuals forced open the main door of the church and went to the sacristy to steal the sacred objects used for the celebration of Mass.

In addition to desecrating the tabernacle, the criminals stole sound equipment.

The Franciscan community said in a statement that the brothers are okay and expressed their pain and indignation at what happened “against a place that is at the service of the People of God and those most in need.”

The Franciscan Recollects of Santiago are best known for the Friar Andresito soup kitchen, which feeds about 200 people a day during the year.

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