Expert reveals how to maintain composure when faced with rudeness

A confidence coach has shared four phrases that can be used to put rude people in their place. The coach, Gina Hatzis, believes that sweeping insults under the rug can lead to long-term resentment.

Hatzis advises people to remain calm and collected when faced with rudeness. She suggests using phrases such as “What an odd thing to say out loud” or “I’m surprised you feel comfortable saying that.”

Hatzis also suggests asking the person to repeat their rude comment. This can make them realize how their words sound and may prevent them from saying anything further.

The coach’s advice has been praised by many people, who have said that they will use it the next time they are faced with a rude person.

How to deal with rudeness

A confidence coach has shared four phrases that can be used to put rude people in their place. The coach, Gina Hatzis, believes that sweeping insults under the rug can lead to long-term resentment.

Hatzis’ advice

Hatzis advises people to remain calm and collected when faced with rudeness. She suggests using phrases such as “What an odd thing to say out loud” or “I’m surprised you feel comfortable saying that.”

Asking for repetition

Hatzis also suggests asking the person to repeat their rude comment. This can make them realize how their words sound and may prevent them from saying anything further.

Positive feedback

The coach’s advice has been praised by many people, who have said that they will use it the next time they are faced with a rude person.

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