The Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and National Institution of Corrections Launch First of its Kind Resource to Assist Nation’s Jails in Providing Wrap-Around Services

The Justice Department, through the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), a program office of its Office of Justice Programs, and the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), today announced the launch of the Jails and Justice Support Center, a first of its kind initiative to bring together innovative policies, strategies, promising practices and resources to help in the management of the more than 3,000 jails nationwide.

The center is an online resource that will serve as a national hub for information, training and resources supporting the state and local agencies that operate America’s jails.

It will cover the core topics and key areas of policy, practice and culture that support a constitutionally sound foundation for administering a jail, with the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for all who live, work in and visit our nation’s jails.

“Jail administrators and the Justice Department share a common goal: safe jails that honor the dignity, humanity and constitutional rights of everyone — incarcerated people, staff and visitors alike,” said Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta.

“We are excited to make this new resource available to jail administrators and staff across the country as they work to create safe and humane conditions in their facilities.

At today’s announcement, sheriffs, jail administrators, stakeholders and Justice Department officials described the subject areas the center is focusing on in its initial stages, including screening and assessment, medical and behavioral health and use of force.

BJA and NIC selected CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation to lead the development and delivery of the center.

Partners in this effort include the American Jail Association, the National Sheriffs’ Association, the Major County Sheriffs of America, the National Association of Counties and Rulo Strategies.

“The Jails and Justice Support Center is a key component of BJA’s efforts to provide direct, impactful assistance to the criminal justice field,” said BJA Director Karhlton F.


“Sheriffs, jail administrators, county leaders and other stakeholders across the nation will benefit from the information, resources and technical assistance designed to address the specific needs and challenges faced by jails today.

“The collaboration between the National Institute of Corrections and its federal partners in launching the Jails and Justice Support Center is a significant step towards better serving the nation’s sheriffs and jail administrators,” said NIC Director Holly Busby.

“It highlights NIC’s long-standing dedication to supporting them and their vital role in the criminal justice system.

Through this collaborative effort, they can access the resources and assistance needed to manage their jails effectively and promote community safety.

About the Office of Justice Programs
OJP provides federal leadership, grants, training, technical assistance and other resources to improve the nation’s capacity to prevent and reduce crime, advance equity and fairness in the administration of justice, assist victims and uphold the rule of law.

More information about OJP and its components can be found at www.



About the Bureau of Justice Assistance
BJA helps America’s state, local and Tribal jurisdictions reduce and prevent crime, lower recidivism, and promote a fair and safe criminal justice system.

BJA provides a wide range of resources — including grants, funding and training and technical assistance — to law enforcement, courts and corrections agencies, treatment providers, reentry practitioners, justice information sharing professionals and community-based partners to address chronic and emerging criminal justice challenges nationwide.

To learn more about BJA, visit www.



gov or follow their Facebook (www.


com/DOJBJA) and Twitter (@DOJBJA).

BJA is a component of the Justice Department’s Office of Justice Programs.

About the National Institute of Corrections
NIC is the only federal agency with a legislative mandate (Public Law 93-41 5) to provide specialized services to corrections from a national perspective.

NIC is recognized by other federal agencies for its unique role and quality services.

Its leadership is evidenced by the numerous partnerships and interagency agreements targeted to provide correctional services and training.

NIC provides practical assistance in planning and implementing improvements at the federal, state and local levels.

These efforts contribute to cost efficiency and effectiveness in such areas as planning, design, and operation of new jails, prisons, and community corrections programs, offender workforce development programs, and offender classification and risk assessment.

Learn more at www.



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