The Book ‘History Of Igboland, A Reappraisal Of The Origin Of Onicha Ado N’Idu’ Launched ln Onitsha

A book entitled “History of Igbo Land, a Reappraisal of the Origin of Onicha Ado N’idu, written by the Chairman Anambra State Vigilante Group and retired Commissioner of Police, Chief Ikechukwu Aduba has been launched.


The seven chapters and one hundred and ninety-one-pages book was reviewed and launched at Sharon house GRA Onitsha.


Correspondent Emengini Osadebe who covered the event reports that it attracted Academia, Business Moguls, traditional rulers, government officials among others

In his opening remarks, the Chairman on the occasion who is also a Former Chairman Police Service commissions, Chief Simon Okeke, commended the author for having written a book that is both scholarly and scientifically relevant with the attempt to correct a long perceived oral history of the origin of Onicha and by extension Ndigbo and has succeeded in correcting centuries of apparent falsehood of the true origin of Onicha Ado N’idu.


The book reviewer who is the Director of Quality Assurance and Professor of African “History, Imo State University, Professor John-Cliff Nwadike, described the book, History of Igboland, a Reprisal of the origin of Onicha Ado N’idu” as a superlative, well researched and documented work where the author succeeded in using pictorials and illustrations to drive home his point as well as  the controversies surrounding Igbo origin which indicates that people have been in Igboland as far back as five thousand years Before Christ, indicating that Ndigbo were the earliest inhabitants of Nigeria.

In his lecture entitled “Perturbed Grand History of the Great Igbo Nation”, a guest Lecturer Professor Chidi Osuagwu went down memory lane on origin of the Igbo and their culture, saying that civilization started in Igboland, making reference to various efforts of Great Men of Igbo extraction to ensure that the language and traditions did not go into Extinction.


The State Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment Mr C-Don Adinuba, described the central message of the book as intellectually driven, original and courageous saying that the state government is happy to identify with this creative work as the present administration is committed to intellectual tradition making reference to other intellectual works authored by renowned Anambra State born authors.

The Chief launcher of the book who is the Isama of Asaba, Chief Chuck Nduka Eze, commended the author for his good work saying that Ndigbo are known for their Enterprise and hard work adding that without Ndigbo there will be no Nigeria.


The author and Chairman Anambra State Vigilante Services, Chief Ikechukwu Aduba, described the book as historically objective and intellectually enriching which has been able to assert that Ndigbo have been in existence with Rich culture and history before the advent of the white men, and stated categorically that Onicha Ado N’idu did not migrate from Benin.

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