Tech Faux Pas: Survey Reveals Top Blunders in the UK

We’ve all experienced that moment when we send a message and realize it went to the wrong person.

According to a recent study by musicMagpie, this cringeworthy mistake tops the list of tech faux pas in the UK.

However, the survey also uncovered even more embarrassing errors, such as sending a ‘sext’ to the wrong person or accidentally liking someone’s old social media photo while “stalking” them.

Are you guilty of any of these tech blunders?

The 10 Most Common Tech Faux Pas

1. Sending a text to the wrong person
2. Pocket dialing someone
3. Sending a private message in a group chat
4. Forgetting to put your phone on silent
5. Spell-check changing a word to something inappropriate
6. Accidentally playing music out loud in public
7. Sending a ‘sext’ to the wrong person
8. Liking someone’s photo on social media while “stalking” them
9. Liking someone’s old photo while “stalking” them
10. Sending a private image to the wrong person (e.g., a ‘nude’)

Survey Highlights

In their study, musicMagpie surveyed 2,000 Britons about the tech faux pas they’ve committed, both at work and in their personal lives.

In personal life, sending a text to the wrong person (67%) topped the list, followed by pocket dialing someone (33%).

Other common mistakes included sending a private message in a group chat (26%), forgetting to silence the phone in a public setting (23%), and spell-check changing a word to something inappropriate (18%).

Tech errors aren’t limited to personal lives, though.

More than one in three respondents admitted to committing a tech faux pas at work. Sending a message or email to the wrong person (56%) was the most common workplace blunder, followed by getting someone’s name wrong (39%), accidentally hitting “reply all” (37%), and misspelling words inappropriately (17%).

Liam Howley, Chief Marketing Officer at musicMagpie, emphasized the importance of digital etiquette in today’s world, where most communication happens through technology.

He noted that over 80% of the population has committed a tech faux pas, highlighting that such mistakes are widespread.

Pregnant Man Emoji: Inclusion and Recognition

In emoji news, the 14.0 emoji list introduced two notable additions: the ‘pregnant man’ and a gender-neutral ‘pregnant person.

‘ These emojis aim to recognize that pregnancy is possible for some transgender men and non-binary individuals.

Emojipedia, a voting member of the Unicode Consortium, argued that men can become pregnant in both reality and fiction, citing examples like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1994 film ‘Junior.’

These emojis align with guidelines issued by the British Medical Association in 2017, promoting the use of ‘pregnant person’ over ‘pregnant woman’ to acknowledge trans and non-binary individuals.

Jane Solomon, Emojipedia’s ‘senior emoji lexicographer,’ explained that these new emojis are inclusive, representing trans men, non-binary people, or women with short hair, though their use is not limited to these groups.

For now, the more traditional ‘pregnant woman’ emoji, introduced in 2016, remains part of the emoji set.

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