Sister Nathalie Becomes Symbol of Church’s Quest for Inclusivity at Synod on Synodality

“Sister Nathalie Gomez’s Symbolic Role in the Synod on Synodality”

Sister Nathalie Gomez took the lead at the Synod on Synodality assembly, representing one of Pope Francis’s 10 president-delegates.

Her presence alongside the pope symbolizes the Church’s aspiration for inclusivity and equality, fostering a sense of unity among all participants.

“Co-responsibility in Mission and the Role of Women”

Significantly, the synod assembly embarked on discussions about “co-responsibility in mission,” a topic that includes a specific focus on the involvement of women in the Church.

One of the key questions being considered during this phase is the potential admission of women to the diaconate.

“Pope Francis’ Stand on Women’s Ordination”

Pope Francis has consistently upheld past Church teachings, emphasizing that the Church lacks the authority to sacramentally ordain women.

Nonetheless, the pope has taken unprecedented steps to grant women governing positions within the Church, including roles in the Vatican.

“A New ‘Modus Vivendi’ for the Church”

Sister Gomez views the active participation of women in the synod as a groundbreaking “modus vivendi” for the Church.

It signifies a new way of life characterized by perpetual collaboration and an enduring dialogue among all members.

“Synod Member Addresses the Diaconate Question”

During the press briefing, Sister Gomez did not directly broach the topic of women in the diaconate.

However, Abbot Mauro-Giuseppe Lepori, the head of the Cistercian Order, shared insights into the ongoing synod discussions

. He noted that while the possibility of admitting women to the diaconate is being considered, it is not the dominant focus of the deliberations.

The synod continues to explore a wide range of issues related to co-responsibility in mission.

The Synod on Synodality represents a pivotal moment in the Church’s efforts to promote dialogue, inclusion, and a deeper exploration of the roles of women within its structure.

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