Supreme Court Accidentally Uploads Moyle v. United States Decision Early, Biden Administration Objects in Idaho Abortion Case

So, get this: the court’s Publications Unit accidentally put up a document on their website for a brief moment,” she explained.

Status of Moyle v. United States

She mentioned that the final decision in Moyle v. United States hasn’t been officially released yet.

It’s still in the works and will come out when it’s ready.

Repeat Offender: Second Premature Release

This isn’t the first time an abortion-related case from the Supreme Court has been leaked early.

Just two years ago in 2022, Politico got a hold of a draft of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, which hinted the court might overturn Roe v. Wade.

Details of the Moyle v. United States Case

Context of the Case

Now, Moyle v. United States centers around the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA).

This act has the Biden administration arguing that hospitals should perform abortions in emergency medical situations.

Biden Administration’s Argument

According to the Biden Department of Justice, Idaho’s rules on abortion are too strict.

They only allow abortions when necessary to prevent the mother’s death, leaving out other health risks covered under EMTALA.

In essence, that’s the gist of what’s been going on with these cases.

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