Speeding up your divorce in Ohio: Things to know

Getting divorced is always a stressful experience, and no matter what you have heard from others, the truth is your divorce is unique and incomparable in so many ways. The divorce process in Ohio can take up to two years, depending on whether you have children. If you and your spouse can cooperate throughout, you can expect things to move sooner. Your best bet is to meet a family law attorney who can guide you on the laws. Here are some quick things to know about speeding up the divorce process in Ohio.

The residency requirements

To file for divorce in the state, you or your spouse must have been a resident of Ohio for at least six months. Either of the spouses must also be a resident of the county for at least 90 days. Please note that if you are pregnant, you must wait for childbirth to file for divorce.

Consider mediation

More often than not, couples have a hard time agreeing on the key aspects of the divorce. When issues like child custody and property distribution crop up, it can be hard to think straight. You may want to consider mediation in such situations, primarily because litigation is an expensive option. A mediator works as a neutral party and helps the couple find solutions.

Don’t hide financial data

If you are trying to hide your assets or financial documents, it can only drag the process further. Keep in mind that the other party’s lawyer will try to uncover facts, and if they figure out the discrepancies, they are only going to use that against you. The eventual goal is to ensure transparency, which will help avoid escalation of conflict.

Be ready to discuss

At times, when two lawyers are talking on behalf of spouses, there is lesser room for conflict. Even if mediation is not an imminent choice, you should still make room for conversation. If you decide to fight a court battle with your spouse, you will lose more money, and more importantly, it can strain your family ties.

Find the right lawyer

You cannot expect to deal with the divorce alone, mainly due to the legal complications. If you are hiring an attorney, ensure they specialize in family law in Ohio and have the experience to handle similar divorce matters. Paying a tad more for the right lawyer is never a bad idea.

Get an attorney as soon as you decide to file for divorce!

