South Africa Changes Level 1 Regulations

From December 2021, South Africa has been recording the lowest number of daily confirmed cases of the coronavirus.
This might be because people are now used to the regulations and restrictions of the coronavirus. It’s not like back then when people were not used to all this social distance, sanitising and wearing masks either. Another reason is that the fourth wave doesn’t seem as powerful as the previous waves.
Following all that, many people have been asking when the lockdown will end because the county has been stuck on level 1 for a couple of months now.
It’s been speculated that this might be the end of the coronavirus in South Africa because everything seems to be back to normal. It’s just a matter of time before they announce the end of level 1 lockdown.
As a result of people’s queries, the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) and the President’s Coordinating Council (PCC) held a meeting yesterday at which the NCCC gave updates on whether the country should move to lockdown or change regulations based on the recent statistics.
The good news is that, according to data acquired by the Department of Health’s system, South Africa has finally finished the fourth wave on a countrywide level and the number of people who are getting vaccinated keeps on rising everyday.
Based on the above information, they decided to make a few changes to the results and regulations of the adjusted level 1 lockdown. The changes are as follows:
Those who test positive but do not exhibit any symptoms do not need to be isolated.
If you test positive for symptoms, the isolation period has been shortened from ten to seven days instead of the previous ten.
Contacts are not required to be isolated unless they begin to experience symptoms.
The Cabinet also considered the reintroduction of full-time learning in all schools after a break. All primary, secondary, and special education schools will resume their regular daily schedules.
In addition, the regulatory requirement for learners in schools to maintain a one-meter social distance has been repealed.
This was music to the ears of South African citizens. Many people were very happy with this announcement, but some were not happy with the fact that the regulations for church attendance weren’t changed. See some of the comments below:

This is the greatest move for South Africa. However, people must continue to vaccinate and follow all regulations so that we can eliminate this virus that has changed our lives and taken away our loved ones.
I really don’t understand the difference between opening schools and opening churches, because both are large groups.


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