Two members of Snow Patrol have left the band, leaving them “heartbroken.”

Gary Lightbody, lead singer for Snow Patrol, recently shared the news that band members Jonny Quinn on drums and Paul Wilson on bass have opted to leave.

Lightbody, 47, stated that he and the other members of Snow Patrol, Nathan Connolly and John McDaid, would continue to perform together and promised that “there will be a new album next year.”

In an Instagram post with the handle gL.X, Lightbody announced the departure of Jonny Quinn and Paul Wilson from Snow Patrol.

We are deeply saddened by their departure, but we send our best wishes for their future success, happiness, joy, compassion, and fulfillment.

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This initial update is meant to only inform everyone of the current situation. Since I feel that both Jonny and Pablo deserve their own distinct farewells, I will be devoting the following two posts to them individually.For now, we just want to pay tribute and give gratitude for everything Jonny and Pablo (Paul) have given us and shared with us over the past two decades. Nate (Connolly), JMD (McDaid), and I will continue with SP (Snow Patrol), and there will be a new album next year, but more news on that will come at an appropriate time. Sending all my love to Jonny and Pabs, and to you as well.

Two more Instagram postings were added to Snow Patrol’s account, one honoring Quinn and the other Wilson.
Lightbody said this about the 51-year-old drummer Quinn: “Jonny joined the band in 1997 and, other than myself, has been in the band longer than anyone.”

“Twenty-six years is an awfully long period for anything, and we’re grateful that he chose to spend it with us.

“Early on it was clear he was more than a drummer. “In addition to being a drummer, he has spent the better part of the last quarter century acting as our manager and promoting our shows in Belfast.

“From driving his car with all our gear in it to our first gig forays outside of Dundee where it all started for us (including saving all of our lives with some quick thinking/great driving when we nearly span out of control off an icy bridge in Perth), to having to be the grown-up in the room many times when we were green and cutting our teeth, he was a steady hand when we needed one, and a ferocious defender many times too.”
In addition, he said, “To be continuing without him after all this time is very strange and sad as he has been a constant presence in our lives.”

The 44-year-old Wilson, who plays bass, was described by Lightbody as follows: “Paul officially joined the band as a bassist in 2005 just before the making of Eyes Open but he had been a live member of the band on guitar for years before that.”

“Before joining SP, he was in a band called Terra Diablo; on many of their tours with us, Pablo would play in both bands.”In the early Terra Diablo gigs, I saw him climb on speakers and leap off of inaccessible platforms.
In King Tuts, Glasgow, he once hung from the ceiling while playing a guitar solo for an audience that will never forget it. He was unafraid. It was an exciting event to witness.

And, “Thank you for all the awesome times you’ve given and shared with us, Pabs.”
He also mentioned that the members of Above As Below were excited to hear his new material.

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