Twin Millionaire Brokers Accused of Drugging and Raping Women at Hamptons Castle and NYC Club

Twin Millionaire Brokers Accused of Drugging and Raping Women at Hamptons Castle and NYC Club

In a shocking development, millionaire real-estate brokers Oren and Alon Alexander have been accused of drugging and raping women at a Hamptons castle and a New York City club.

The allegations, detailed in recent lawsuits, paint a disturbing picture of the twin brothers’ alleged behavior at lavish parties between 2010 and 2012.

Allegations Against the Alexanders

The twins, 36, are accused of sexually assaulting two women in separate incidents. The first incident allegedly occurred in 2010, and the second in 2012.

Both women claim the brothers used drugs to impair them before committing the assaults. The lawsuits were filed just before the expiration of a New York state law eliminating the civil statute of limitations for sexual assault lawsuits.

Incident at Sir Ivan’s Castle

One of the alleged incidents took place at Sir Ivan Wilzig’s castle in the Hamptons, known for hosting extravagant parties reminiscent of the movie “Eyes Wide Shut.” The source, who spoke anonymously, claimed the Alexanders were regular attendees at these parties from 2011 to 2013.

According to the insider, Oren Alexander would bring drugs to these events to attract women, although he reportedly did not use them himself.

The Case of Rebecca Mandel

Rebecca Mandel, one of the accusers, claims she met the Alexanders in 2009 at a now-closed New York club, SL, when she was 18 years old. In September 2010, she alleges that Alon drugged her drink at SL, impairing her significantly.

Mandel asserts that the brothers then took her to their apartment under the pretense of a party. Once there, she alleges she was sexually assaulted and raped by both men, who took turns holding her down and penetrating her.

The Case of Kate Whiteman

The second accuser, Kate Whiteman, alleges she was raped by the Alexanders in 2012 at Sir Ivan’s Castle. Whiteman claims she met the brothers in 2008 and repeatedly declined Oren’s advances.

However, during a Memorial Day weekend trip to the Hamptons, she alleges Alon forced her into an SUV with Oren, took her to the castle, and prevented her from escaping.

She claims she was then forced to strip, had her phone taken away, and was raped by both brothers.

Legal Response and Defense

The Alexanders’ lawyer has vehemently denied the allegations, describing them as a “total shakedown.”

The lawyer stated that the accusations are false and that they have substantial evidence, including phone records, text messages, and emails, to debunk the claims. The defendants have until August 19 to respond to the lawsuits.

Impact on the Victims

The alleged victims, represented by Torgan Cooper & Aaron, filed their lawsuits on the same day, March 8. Both women claim they suffered significant physical, psychological, and emotional injuries due to the alleged assaults.

The lawsuits detail a pattern of behavior by the Alexanders that allegedly involved drugging and sexually assaulting women.

Broader Implications

These allegations have cast a shadow over the Alexander brothers, who are well-known figures in the real-estate industry.

The accusations highlight the potential dangers of unchecked behavior at elite social gatherings and the vulnerabilities of women in such environments.

The lawsuits, if proven true, could lead to severe legal consequences for the brothers and potentially inspire other victims to come forward.


As the legal process unfolds, the Alexander brothers face serious accusations that could significantly impact their personal and professional lives.

The allegations of drugging and raping women at high-profile parties in the Hamptons and New York City have shocked the public and raised important questions about accountability and justice.

The outcome of these lawsuits will be closely watched as it could have far-reaching implications for all parties involved.

TDPel Media

This article was published on TDPel Media. Thanks for reading!

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