Shauwn Mkhize may be dropping her reality show Kwamamkhize after only two seasons

In March last year, MaMkhize announced that she was planning on dropping her reality TV show KwaMamkhize.

“It was an inspirational show to build my brand and reputation and I am very happy. I did not expect people to fall in love with MaMkhize but they did and it’s time to let go,” she said in an interview with Drum magazine.

It appears that her decision is final and this was confirmed by local entertainment reporter Phil Mphela on 21 February. Phil also revealed that the Royal AM owner was looking to doing a reality show that she has more control over:

“Mamkhize QUITS her reality show. Shauwn Mkhize has decided not to continue with her popular reality show, KwaMamkhize. Sources tell me, the popular businesswoman & reality tv star has instead decided to pitch a new show.

“With BarLeader’s issues with Multichoice, it was untenable for Shauwn to continue working with the production co. However, Multichoice owns KwaMamkhize so she could’ve continued with a diff prod company. I guess her pitching her own show, she wants more control.”

Many people seemed to think that it was a good idea for MaMkhize. Others however said that the show was quite boring to begin with:
@SnerhMabaso said:

“Good for her, it was boring by the way.”

@zimkhitha4 said:

“This is great news and I think she made a good decision.”

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