SEO Techniques: Tips for Learning to Use the Right Way

Know how to highlight your content using SEO and get more visits to your website and pages.


SEO techniques are one of the main strategies of digital marketing.


Therefore, it is vital to learn about SEO techniques to obtain better results and optimize your search pages by developing your positioning.


Want to know all about SEO techniques and how to develop them to improve your results properly?


Continue reading this article!


But what is SEO anyway?

SEO consists of techniques that optimize websites, blogs, and web pages that help the best positioning of the page and its organic results in search engines.


Search Engine Optimization, which uses the acronym SEO, aims to improve the development of search engine results.


Easy access to the Internet allows users to search for the most varied services and products. One of the most used search engines is Google.


This way, Google organizes each piece of content through ranking, consistently placing the content that performs best in the first positions.


Therefore, each user’s search is an opportunity for the brand to produce quality content and appear in these top positions.


Offering the best answers or solutions to the user will allow the site to increase clicks and visibility, favoring traffic and providing the best results for the brand on the networks. 


However, for your content to be optimized, it is necessary to prove to Google that it has the correct answer, generating a better ranking through SERP (Search Engine Results Page).


However, it is essential to emphasize that the content must have quality, but it must also provide good usability, have authority, and guarantee a good read for Google pages.


The SEO techniques are within the strategy within the SEM acronym used for Search Engine Marketing that aggregates all search engine techniques, even sponsored links and ads.


In SEO techniques, only organic techniques are used. That is, it is not necessary to purchase any media.


It is possible to know an increase in your return on investment, ROI, and a decrease in customer acquisition costs (CAC), characterizing some of the results obtained provided by SEO techniques.


The use of this strategy is also implemented to help traffic to websites, thus enabling an increase in conversion rates.


How did this strategy come about?

The SEO strategy was created in the year 1991.


In the same period of creation, the first site quickly spread.


Therefore, it was necessary to create strategies to make content more accessible and organized.


The story of the emergence of this strategy can be read in the book written by Bob Heyman, Digital Engagement, where he well portrays the need to create this strategy.


He reports the difficulty he had in finding a particular rock band on the web, managing to find it only on page number 4.


That’s when he realized that this search engine needed a strategy that generated optimization, as his rock band Jefferson Starship should appear in the top positions.


This problem allowed him to identify the lack of a structure to carry out the cataloging and organization of information.


Who are the creators of this strategy?

In 1993 some companies were already references in the area of ​​categorization as well as content presentation on the web, some of them being Excite, Yahoo, and Alta Vista.


However, SEO techniques gained notoriety because of Jersey Brin and Larry Page in the 1995s.


This was possible with the help of software that, for that period, was very advanced, known as BackRub.


After a while, it was modified and became the famous Google in 1997; however, it is worth remembering that although it is one of the primary and best-known search engines, many others are available worldwide.


How to learn SEO techniques?

To understand how this set of strategies works, it is necessary to be curious about the topic.


This is a motivating factor that will lead you to seek knowledge to understand each step that starts with keyword research until performing the ranking index on Google.


It is essential to learn about SEO techniques!


This is the motto for you to learn and delve into the subject.


With easy access to the Internet, it is possible to find a series of articles and content produced on the subject.


When starting something new, it is common to be afraid of mistakes, but be afraid of making them because, in addition to being shared, they will also serve as a learning experience for you to improve.


After all, you will have access to a lot of theories that will need to be tested to validate your actual results. Do you agree?


However, for you to be able to reduce your failures, it is essential that you identify where your mistakes and successes are.


With the help of Web Analytics tools, you can use Google Analytics, which is the most known and used.


Through this tool, it is possible to analyze the performance of the website on the Internet by checking some information after placing the code on your website.


Check out what they are:


  • Number of visitors arriving through organic traffic;
  • Time users remain on the site;
  • Through which pages can they access your site;
  • Demographic data.

In addition to Google Analytics, you can use other tools that are also fundamental for Search Engine Optimization, such as SemRush, which offers the user a fully complete report with performance data about your website, bringing some pertinent information. As:


  • Direct competitors of the brand in organic search;
  • Domain comparison (between your website and those of competitors);
  • Keywords your site is indexed on.

It is also possible to use plugins and extensions in browsers, which allows you to perform a quick and efficient analysis of your and other websites.


A tool that performs this function is the Meta SEO Inspector, which is able to collect fundamental data on how your page is presented in search engines.


Some data that this tool usually analyzes are the Head Title, Heading Tags, and Meta Description, which significantly favors obtaining the best results in blog posts.


By using tools such as those mentioned, you will be able to identify which actions have provided positive results, as well as the factors that need to be modified.


However, it is worth remembering that it is essential to have an analytical view of this data to verify if the optimization should be carried out through the use of keywords or tags.


A tip is that you consistently use the famous worksheets in your path of learning SEO techniques so that you can verify the results of each action and evaluate each tool you are going to use.


What courses should be taken?

We list some of them that can be done and that will help you learn SEO techniques.


Google Analytics Academy

For those who want to learn more and fully understand how SEO techniques and rankings are made by Google work, having a lot of knowledge about all the tools on this site is essential.


Google Analytics Academy is a course provided by Google for free that guarantees in-depth learning about Analytics.


In addition, he teaches about the proper functioning of SEO and other functionalities such as e-commerce and mobile optimization.


After taking an exam, you get a certificate that can prove your skills in the area for both your clients and your contractors, confirming your knowledge and instrumentalization in the area of SEO.


It is also a way to add knowledge or even implement this strategy in your own business.



The course provided by Hubspot does not strictly address the topic.


He addresses the subject within the online marketing course.


However, all knowledge is valid. And to become a professional in SEO techniques, it is necessary to have knowledge of digital marketing strategies.


Excellent teachers and professionals teach the course for free through video classes and some complete materials such as e-books, BlogSpot, and also how to make infographics in order for the student to obtain even more knowledge on the subject.


A test must be carried out to obtain the certificate that will confirm that you are able to work with the subject, as well as guarantee that you have the necessary knowledge about SEO techniques.

Rock Content University

At the time of digital marketing, Rock Content is one of the reference platforms in the subject that offers a series of free courses, enabling learning in various topics, mainly in the area of ​​digital marketing.


The Rock Content University SEO course is taught by a professor and expert who covers everything that is important on the subject.


At the end of the study, a certification exam is taken to validate your knowledge.


Moz Academy

The Moz platform is well known for its courses and tools aimed at the digital marketing area.


Formerly called SEOMoz, the platform has become a site focused on instruction in several areas, being one of the best options to seek and obtain knowledge, information, and data on SEO strategy.


In addition, Moz has a Moz Academy learning platform that offers a series of courses in the form of video classes and webinars on Inbound Marketing, SEO, and social networks, among other necessary subjects in the area.


It is worth remembering that the courses are only available in the English language.


To implement SEO techniques and guarantee the results you want, you need to obtain all the necessary knowledge to plan and execute efficient strategies and guarantee more visibility and traffic to your pages, thus increasing sales.


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