Security Bollard: Purpose and Benefits of Bollards Installation

All of you must have seen short vertical posts like structures in heavy traffic areas or areas with traffic congestion. You may not be familiar with the term ‘bollard’ but you must be familiar with the structures. Bollards are a type of short vertical post you may find on roadsides, parking lots, parks, outside buildings, outside institutes like schools, hospitals or storefronts.

The actual purpose of a bollard can be seen in areas with great traffic congestion. Bollards not only help in controlling and guiding the traffic but it also helps in providing safety for pedestrians. Bollards are not only a product for defining boundaries but it is also a great help in maintaining road safety.

Purpose of Bollards Installation

There are many different types of bollards but all of them have a different purpose. Some of the major purposes of bollards are given below.

1-       Traffic Management: the first and most important purpose of a bollard is to manage traffic. They manage the traffic by providing both a physical and a visual hindrance to guide and control different types of traffic. For example, bollards are placed on roads to distinguish car lanes from bike lanes so that the bikers do not enter the car lane and disturbance can be prevented.

2-       Traffic Safety: another purpose of bollards is to provide safety to every type of traffic. Bollard helps in alerting the drivers about anything unusual so that they will lower speed or change route accordingly. They are also used to prevent vehicles from parking at wrong places. They provide safety for both vehicles and pedestrians.

3-   Security: another purpose of a bollard is to provide security for different buildings or infrastructures. For example, bollards are placed outside a hospital to let the incoming traffic know that there is a hospital. It also helps to manage the traffic accordingly as the incoming traffic will know that they should reduce speed as there will be congestion outside the hospital for example arriving patients and ambulances etc.

  •         Prevent Wrong Parking: The purpose of a bollard is to prevent wrong parking. It is a common practice in many high traffic areas that people often park their cars on road sides and walkways when there is a shortage of parking space due to heavy traffic. However the presence of bollards prevents vehicles from parking at wrong places. In this way traffic mismanagement could be controlled through a bollard.

Benefits of Bollard Installation

Bollards are no doubt a very beneficial tool regarding traffic controlling, guiding and management. They also provide safety for traffic and pedestrians. Some of the most common benefits of security bollards installation are given below to help you understand its purposes and advantages in detail.

  1.     Vehicular Safety

Bollards provide vehicular safety. It provides safety for every type of vehicle. Bollards made of metal are used for this purpose. They are heavyweight and sturdy. They do not bend or damage easily. They are installed in heavy traffic areas to control the traffic and to control the impact of collisions. 

A metal bollard can easily stop the fast coming vehicle when it collides. Though this is damaging for the vehicle and the driver can also get hurt during all this but it can help save many lives and vehicles which can be damaged during an accident. Bollards help in reducing accidental hazards. They not only reduce the impact of collisions but also provide a visual barrier for the driver to get alert so that accidents could be prevented.

  1.     Pedestrian Safety

Another important benefit of a security bollard is pedestrian safety. They ensure pedestrian safety by creating a visual and physical barrier between the vehicular traffic and pedestrians. That is why road side and walkway bollards are installed to prevent accidents and ensure pedestrian safety. 

Parking lots also contain bollards so that the vehicles going in or coming out of the parking lot should be extra careful about the people walking around the parking areas. There are bollards that are for the guidance of pedestrians as well. They guide the foot traffic towards the right path where they will be safe from any accidental hazard.

  1.     Better Appearance

Some bollards are used for decorative purposes. They are installed at places like private properties, gardens or entertainment parks etc. These bollards not only guide the visitors about the path and places where they want to visit but they also provide a better appearance for the particular place or architecture of the building. 

For example some parks have lighted bollards on the walkways so that people at the night time can also easily know the right path for walking and it also creates a better aesthetic appeal. The decorative bollards can be made of steel, plastic or wood etc. They are lightweight because their purpose is not prevention of collision. They are to be used for decorative purposes only.

  1.     Environment Friendly Bollards

Bollards made of PVC and concrete are environmentally friendly. They are durable and greatly serve their purpose. However they do not play any role in deforestation. Therefore they are considered to be environment friendly. Bollards made of PVC or concrete are durable as well. They need very little maintenance and they serve for years because there is no chance of corroding or rusting.

Final Words

No doubt telescopic security bollards are a great option when you want to control and manage the traffic in high traffic areas. However it is important for all of us to actually understand the benefits and purposes of bollards to help in the better usability of this tool.

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