Primary School Pupils Kneel to Plead for Better Facilities in Viral Video

A Cry for Help

A viral video depicting the distressing conditions of a primary school in Edo State has captured the attention of the public.

In the footage, students from an undisclosed community school kneel to plead with the state government for assistance in addressing the deplorable state of their school.

Neglect and Accusations

The video showcases a concerned community member who takes the opportunity to call out the state government for neglecting the school and the community it serves.

He accuses the government of abandonment and highlights that the school has been the sole educational institution for the area for many years.

A Desperate Plea

According to the man in the video, the school authorities had alerted the local government’s secretary about the dire state of the school, but their request for renovations was met with an astonishing response.

They were allegedly told to relocate the children to schools located two communities away from their current location.

A School on the Brink

The situation appears to be critical, as the man emphasizes that the school is on the verge of collapse. The teachers have been making efforts to continue teaching, but the recent collapse of three classrooms has raised concerns.

Both students and teachers fear entering the remaining classrooms, dreading the possibility of further structural failures.

A Plea for Education

Desperation is palpable in the video as both the community member and the young pupils kneel, urging the government to intervene and refurbish their school.

Their impassioned plea questions the government’s inaction and raises concerns about the future of education in the area.

A Community’s Concern

The community’s plea is fueled by the belief that their children’s education is at stake.

They wonder why their children should be subjected to such hardships and express frustration with the local government’s unwillingness to address the situation.

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